Leftridge: The Completely Hilarious Thing That Richard Sherman Did

shermSo by now, you’ve seen it…

You saw it live or you saw Karen Kornacki blathering about it, or maybe you saw it on social media or Jim Rome has already released some sort of “hot take” on it.

But in case you missed it—in case you were “living under a rock” (fucking clichés—we’ll get to that)—here’s what happened:

After Seahawks’ cornerback Richard Sherman deflected an end-zone pass into the hands of a teammate for a 4th quarter, game clinching interception, he met with reporter Erin Andrews on the sideline and he spouted some real crazy, real aggressive shit.

It basically went like this:

Andrews: The final play, take us through it.

Sherman: (channeling one of WWE’s The Road Warriors) WHEN YOU TRY ME WITH A SORRY RECEIVER LIKE CRABTREE? THAT’S THE RESULT YOU GON’ GET! DON’T YOU EVER TALK ABOUT ME! (heavy panting. sexual. weird.)

Andrews: (remarkably nonplussed) Who was talking about you?

Road Warrior Sherman: CRABTREE! (duh) DON’T YOU OPEN YOUR MOUTH ABOUT THE BEST. OR I’MA SETTLE IT FOR YOU RILL QUICK. L.O.B! (which stands for Legion of Boom, which is funny in that the Road Warriors were also known as “Legion of Doom.” Get it?)

So he stomped off, and it was very awkward. And then, the INDIGNITY rained down. And it was great.

maxresdefaultOn social media, the reaction was mixed. Some people (me) thought it was hilarious. Here’s a dude—RAGING with adrenaline and God-knows what other sort of enhancers (Sherman has failed a drug test for the stimulant Adderall, before), channeling his inner-Hulk Hogan after an emotional ending that saw him being shoved in the face by the aforementioned Michael Crabtree after Sherman patted his butt in a “Hey man, nice effort” manner. (At least, that’s the way I saw it; I have no idea what Sherman may have said, though, or what his real intention may have been.)

Others, however—many, MANY others on Twitter—weren’t so kind. According to the unwashed masses, Sherman needs to “die,” “go back to Africa,” “catch AIDS (if he doesn’t already have it),” or just “kill his mother fuckign (sic) nigger self.

shermannigHe’s a “thug,” and a “savage,” and, well, of course, a “nigger.” Martin Luther King Jr. would be ASHAMED, many espoused. And this, on MLK’S MOST HOLY OF DAYS.

On Facebook—where your mom’s college roommate is weighing in—the reaction was mostly, “Well THAT was uncalled for. Guess I’ll be rooting for the Broncos, now. Hey, look at this picture of my grandson eating a corn-cob. ADORABLE.”

To all of these people—those who both reverted to 1920’s southern hate-speak AND those who feel the need to switch allegiances based off of one hyped-up dude’s antics, I ask: are you fucking serious?


This did it?

This caused you to spew vitriolic, racist bullshit on Twitter or proclaim your newfound love of the Denver Broncos? All because Richard Sherman couldn’t censor himself?


You just watched 60 minutes of 22 men trying to kill each other. To decimate each other. To rip one another’s fucking heads off. THAT GOAL-LINE FUMBLE/NOT FUMBLE WHERE THE 49ER’S LINEBACKERS LEG BASICALLY CAME OFF MADE THEISMANN WINCE.

And yet here we are, completely APALLED by the professional-wrestling antics of the guy who basically just won the game.

Give me a fucking break.

Richard Sherman—as dumb as it may have been—had every right to shout whatever in the hell he wanted. If he woulda stood there and calmly said, “You know, it was a good game, Erin. They’re a great team. All we could do is give it 100% and play until the end. It ain’t over until the whistle blows. We just wanted to play our game and that’s all we can do. Protect the ball. Words. Cliches. You know what I’m sayin’?” that would have been fine, but it would have been boring as shit.

As sports fans, we CRAVE something new and interesting. So much of what athletes say is prepackaged, watered-down horse piss. It’s boring, and totally not worth sticking around for.

Instead, Sherman blew his stack, and goddamnit, that was so much more compelling. It doesn’t make him stupid, and it doesn’t make him a “nigger,” and it doesn’t mean that I have to root against the Seahawks now.

sherman1It means that he’s a real person who was very fucking excited, and I can’t blame him. His team just made it to the pinnacle of his existence. He had a major hand in that. Emotions are a tricky thing. I think he knows that. And he’s a smart guy. (Stanford, as I’m sure you know by now.)

I think he’ll have no serious regrets, no matter how much everyone wants him to.

At least I hope he doesn’t.

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42 Responses to Leftridge: The Completely Hilarious Thing That Richard Sherman Did

  1. chuck says:

    You were right about the Hawks Lefty nice pick.

    I think YOU might be a little pumped up yourself buddy.


    By the way, they should just pay the athletes in college. Sherman is the best DB in the NFL and was probably the best DB in College. Pay the man so he can concentrate on his profession.


    This from UCLA–

    “Until 2011, students majoring in English at UCLA had to take one course in Chaucer, two in Shakespeare, and one in Milton—the cornerstones of English literature. Following a revolt of the junior faculty, however, during which it was announced that Shakespeare was part of the “Empire,” UCLA junked these individual author requirements. It replaced them with a mandate that all English majors take a total of three courses in the following four areas: Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Disability and Sexuality Studies; Imperial, Transnational, and Postcolonial Studies; genre studies, interdisciplinary studies, and critical theory; or creative writing.

    In other words, the UCLA faculty was now officially indifferent to whether an English major had ever read a word of Chaucer, Milton or Shakespeare, but the department was determined to expose students, according to the course catalog, to “alternative rubrics of gender, sexuality, race, and class.”

    Such defenestrations have happened elsewhere, and long before 2011. But the UCLA coup was particularly significant because the school’s English department was one of the last champions of the historically informed study of great literature, uncorrupted by an ideological overlay. Precisely for that reason, it was the most popular English major in the country, enrolling a whopping 1,400 undergraduates.

    The UCLA coup represents the characteristic academic traits of our time: narcissism, an obsession with victimhood, and a relentless determination to reduce the stunning complexity of the past to the shallow categories of identity and class politics. Sitting atop an entire civilization of aesthetic wonders, the contemporary academic wants only to study oppression, preferably his or her own, defined reductively according to gonads and melanin.

    Course catalogs today babble monotonously of group identity. UCLA’s undergraduates can take courses in Women of Color in the U.S.; Women and Gender in the Caribbean; Chicana Feminism; Studies in Queer Literatures and Cultures; and Feminist and Queer Theory.”

    College is a joke, college for athletes is a fairy tale.

  2. CG says:

    Sherman was so smart to play the ‘bad guy’…he has now shaped the Super Bowl. Seattle because of him and his comments and ‘Ali’ moves and talk, is the heal and Denver and Manning the hero. Good vs. Evil. Now you have a huge story line. Sherman now gets commercials and attention way beyond what he would have had for being a nice guy and a pro. He chose ‘gangster’ and well it worked. Kinda sad it works this way. We live in a negative environment. People will always respond to this behavior. Way it works. Sherman is now a big star and if they beat Manning and he does much of anything, look out.

  3. hot harley says:

    being a d back is one of the most loneliest positions on a team.
    you’re out there against guys with world class speed trying to
    shake them and beat themto the ball.
    usually they’re the best athletes on the team…
    way to go Sherman…finally some emotion for a guy who save the game.
    This game football is not table tennis. These are some of the best athletes
    in the world…don’t fool yourself.
    and to play that position you have to be not only athletic but smart with all
    the different formations that defensive coordinators put into the game.
    hope hehas a good game against manning..
    but my pick here is that manning is way too good for these guys…they’ve
    never seen anyone with mannings talent…and they don’t have the offense
    to outscore manning….looks to me Denver is super bowl champ this year.
    manning is just too hot.

  4. PB says:

    Ironic that the same people bitching about Sherman’s “thuggish” behavior counter with their own even worse racist taunts. Gotta love America.

    • Orphan of the Road says:

      Good thing Harbaugh wasn’t miked, eh?

      Rather refreshing to hear a real comment rather than the thugs pointing to the sky and using religion to mask their thuggery (yeah, looking at you, Ray Lewis).

      Sherman has been writing for Peter King’s MMQB this season and has been very good in his writing.

  5. Nick says:

    Gladiators are not necessarily the brightest of people, but…..

    When next Sherman steps into the bloody arena he can be assured his opponent’s thoughts will be divided between taking Sherman out and not being humiliated in front of millions of people.

    Advantage – House of Seahawks.

    • Interesting thought… that maybe this was calculated on Sherman’s part? He’s a smart guy, from what I understand. So, maybe.

    • hot harley says:

      this guys 15 minutes of fame is over on feb. 1…after that…
      no one will remember this guy.
      peyton will make him look like a pop warner player…
      he’ll get smoked more than the brisquets at gates bar b q.
      be interesting to see the vegas book numbers on this super bowl.
      russel Wilson is an improvising quarterback…and those kind of guys
      get eaten up in the super bowl.
      precision…timing…exact execution is what wins in this game…
      I think if glaze is smart he takes Denver and gives points…
      this game could be over by 3rd quarter…………
      seattly chokes big…never been in the big game..
      welker/manning/running game of Denver kills.
      notice yesterday my main man glen Dorsey had a great year with
      san Francisco!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      so didaldon smith (mu boy)…I think Justin smith played too …another
      mu boy……wooohooooo

      • Brandon Leftridge says:

        His “15 minutes”? Harley, he’s the best cornerback in the game. Come on.

        • PB says:

          Yeah, ridiculous comment, even from Harley as Sherman is an All-Pro corner on the #1 ranked defense in the league. He’ll be in the news as the Seahawks are winning games. Anyway, the “15 minutes of fame” phrase is about as dated as Warhol’s art. In today’s day and age, no “celebrity”, no matter how inconsequential, ever really goes away anymore.

        • hot harley says:

          gonna get his ass kicked on feb 2….I looked at the
          stats and analysis…he’s got a major weakness
          that I will outline in my pre game analysis
          to come out on feb 1.
          Please sign up to receive a pre game early
          edition of that analysis by contacting
          thanks ….and go broncos…..

  6. the dude says:

    I see the WWE in this man’s future if he wishes to accept it.

  7. CG says:

    Well we got both games on the tease, barley. But covered on both…I like Denver on Super Sunday. Manning so a way better quarterback and he’s earned it. Lets see what the weather looks like before we make a pick, so far they are saying 30 plus degrees and clear. If that holds, Denver should be the winner. Lets see if it holds.

  8. Bob Loblaw says:

    Sherman actually touched on a really big pet peeve of mine. He completely diminishes his accomplishment by referring to Crabtree as a “sorry receiver” and “mediocre” (in another interview he gave). Well, if Crabtree actually sucks, then Sherman beating him isn’t necessarily all that big of a deal, is it? It’s like when a team’s fans heckle an opposing team that their team just beat by chanting “OVER-RATED”. If the other team is truly overrated, then they’re implying that their team ain’t nothin special either by beating them. They should instead be chanting something like, “THAT TEAM KICKS ASS” if they really want to make a point that their team is awesome. Yep.

  9. Kerouac says:

    Just a “game” or “the pinnacle of his existence.”

    – well which is it? Sure isn’t the ‘game’ I remember, nor want to embrace. BL, if your article is deemed ‘impassioned’, Sherman’s sportsmanship was nil, as in null and void; he was doubtless not alone in his lack, but he lacked enough for me.

    This is about preference of course, not a subjective ‘right or wrong’. Personally, I can not recall Vince Lombardi & Bart Starr ‘acting out’ as such after a big win, maybe due the fact they won so often, probably because they were ‘pros’. Former Chief CB Fred Williamson (‘The Hammer’) worked his gums too Superbowl 1; the Packers answered him on the field, hammering him into submission as twere. A Chiefs fan since day one 1963, I did not like nor respect Williamson’s tack thence when young anymore than I do Sherman’s now that I am more seasoned.

    Even aft Lombardi was ‘goaded’ into responding poorly about the Chiefs as a team (not as individuals) aft Superbowl 1, he was polite if smug. Guess that’s what stands out the major difference yesterday and today, difference between ‘a bit of class’ & being ‘a total ***’. This is not about being angels, but about men mature enough keep their emotions in check – on the field as off, and not making it ‘about me’ when it is a team sport. Will always recall a couple things about Len Dawson, who like others ‘got it’ as concerns the aforementioned: “we (not ‘I’) got the ball to him (Gloster Richardson)”, describing the Chiefs td pass/victory over the Jets in December ’69. Dawson also memorably stated “there is a time & a place to fool (like on this message board, perhaps) but the playing field is neither the time nor the place.” That the game yesterday between SF/SEATT wasn’t yet even concluded, indicates to me Sherman places ‘himself’ before his ‘team’. If that be old fashioned & out of style, count me venerable. Farther & fewer between today, but as a result ever more appreciated when less often found.

    If Kerouac were to refer to Sherman’s relationship Stanford University, might wonder ‘out loud’ (nod the protagonist to our antagonist reactions, some) whether he’ad taken courses there in linguistics, if not mastered them. Then again, might be considered too ‘Richard’ as twere, or something else even, so I’ll not (is a difference between tongue in cheek humor & pique, my opine.) One thing always leading to another, had Sherman & Crabtree our deuteragonist had guns in lieu gums, might be an ending same as the one happened Florida theater recently, the ‘manhood’ one ended at the hair-trigger finger, lack of deportment/restraint the other.

    Two wrongs don’t make a right: based on the modern tack as Sherman demonstrated, I’ve no doubt Crabtree wasn’t mute during the ‘game within the pinnacle of existence’ in question… best guess, others followed suit the unfortunate lack of deportment ever on display today, sports. It’s not so much that there haven’t always been these types of ‘I’ndividuals around, but that they proliferate today, “like a horrible gangrene upon the face of the globe” , nod EM Cioran.

    “an emotional ending saw (Sherman) being shoved in the face by the aforementioned Michael Crabtree after Sherman patted his butt in a “Hey man, nice effort” manner. ”

    – really? (or really naive, BL?)

    “(At least, that’s the way I saw it;)”

    – really x2? I distinctly saw Sherman “running” to ‘accost’ Crabtree aft the play ended, and Crabtree was walking away, only then did Crabtree shove Sherman the face mask. Interesting how two people can see the same thing yet draw a different conclusions.

    “I have no idea what Sherman may have said, though, or what his real intention may have been.)”

    – really, x2? Somewhere, triagonist Geppetto’s ears perked up, now fashioning another novel wooden boy with an even lonnnnnnnnnnger nose.

    The post game letdown by Sherman/response to it by people (“reaction was mixed”) is an indicator everyone did not/does not find it ‘innocent’… count me in that faction.

    DEN over SEATT by 4 or 5 points minimum, Superbowl; if SEATT’s lack of experience (double entendre, this article/my afore rant) comes into play as I suspect it could, then it may be a blowout, DEN winning it going away.

    • PB says:

      Yeah and calling out his opponents and talking smack certainly seemed to derail Muhammad Ali’s career.

      Look, fans shouldn’t condone what Sherman did, but for better or worse, the game has evolved (devolved?) way past the days of Lombardi’s business-like Pack (although guys like Max McGee and Paul Hornung didn’t always tow that company line) and it’s never going back. To disagree with his actions is one thing, but the moral outrage being displayed by some is quite another and instead has people like myself who didn’t care much either way, supporting Sherman in deference to the racists and other puritans who are now in attack mode.

      And for the record for those twitter idiots throwing around the tired term “thug”…for the 100th time…

      thug noun \ˈthəg\
      : a violent criminal

      Nowhere, is that meaning meant to portray a dreadlocked loudmouth.

  10. Rich says:

    I loved Sherman’s outburst. These prudes getting all offended need to climb down from their crosses.

    • Kerouac says:

      Don’t you find it ironic that we chastise others for they’re being ‘offended’ while exhibiting the same angst? Everyone having an opinion – ‘mirror mirror on the wall, who will be final arbiter, ‘all for one one for all’? Perhaps no difference the ‘beam’ in our eyes obstructs the ‘splinter’ others, same.

      Which is a nice segue/good a time as any for this (below) – I especially like the opening line, portion comes after the comma- if it applies to one applies to all… you too, Sherm) –

      “Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.

      If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

      Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.

      Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.

      You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

      Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

      – Max Ehrmann, “Desiderata”

  11. Kerouac says:

    “Yeah and calling out his opponents and talking smack certainly seemed to derail Muhammad Ali’s career.”

    – no, rather was Holmes fists (and Frazier’s and Spinks and… the defeats mounted as his gums and success deserted him; today he’s remembered as much for his lack class (treatment of Joe Frazier one example, among other) and his health has deserted him – an object lesson, grim reminder the final analysis that perhaps it’s true: not ‘who’ won but more so ‘how you played (left) the game’, nod Grantland Rice. A Rocky Marciano, merely the undefeated Heavyweight Champion of the World, didn’t seem to need his gums… used his piston-like guns (arms) win title ‘greatest ever’, as well my respect… can argue the last part that statement, but cannot argue his legacy.

    “Look, fans shouldn’t condone what Sherman did, but for better or worse, the game has evolved (devolved?)”

    – that is an ‘I’ndividual thing just as referenced by me afore… ‘everyone’ is NOT doing it ‘being a Sherman’, thankfully; even were they, doesn’t make it acceptable, my opine. A calendar should not regulate one’s deportment… case the self-serving be just using a tool found in their otherwise empty fund.

    ” way past the days of Lombardi’s business-like Pack (although guys like Max McGee and Paul Hornung didn’t always tow that company line) and it’s never going back.”

    – McGee breaking curfew to Sherman’s meltdown is comparing apples to oranges… and gambling was wrong then and now, and Hornung knew it… the year he missed cost him in the end, various ways; Rozelle’s credit, made an example out of Hornung & Karras.

    As for ‘never going back’, personal deportment isn’t subject to era, and shouldn’t be… has never departed some, thankfully, reason why I’ll always respect them.

    “To disagree with his actions is one thing, but the moral outrage being displayed by some is quite another and instead has people like myself who didn’t care much either way, supporting Sherman in deference to the racists and other puritans who are now in attack mode.”

    – you mention Muhammad Ali, in fact the erstwhile Cassius Clay… his religious (racial, if you change four letters) tendencies on display via a change of name and too when he late 1969 espoused that negroes (known today ‘blacks’ compared to my still caucasian hue) be given their own separate ‘state’ here in the United States of America, Arizona his pick as I recall (note the dichotomy – ‘United’ and ‘separate’)… not to mention that, hindsight, consider with more than a little nod possibility today the possibility a ‘dive’ having been taken Liston, 1964 – but enough about talent or a lack thereof a Clay/Ali, compared others.

    Clay, Williamson and others too were once an aberration of what has today become a full-blown disease, if not (yet) epidemic… will always embrace yesterday when it was more so just a game than a $hame… don’t be a Sherman/act the fool, be a man.

    • PB says:

      Ali is remembered for the whole package and became the biggest star in all the world because of all that, not just because of his skill in the ring. Getting beat down as an old man and paying the price physically now, has nothing to do with the stature he attained from his out of the ordinary brashness back in the day.

      And while I agree that this style of bravado and poor sportsmanship has gotten way out of hand, as with political media, reality tv and seemingly every part of our current culture, loud and stupid is what “sells” these days and in most cases, even most of the efforts to buck those trends are basically cut from the same exact cloth as per the Twitter and other media responses to Sherman’s outburst.

      I think you’re taking it all a bit too seriously, but what the hell, keep fighting the good fight. I just don’t have the energy.

  12. Kerouac says:

    “Ali is remembered for the whole package and became the biggest star in all the world because of all that, not just because of his skill in the ring. Getting beat down as an old man and paying the price physically now, has nothing to do with the stature he attained from his out of the ordinary brashness back in the day.”

    – you are welcome to your opinion as am I mine, others theirs… the choice between a Marciano and an Ali, I choose Rocky to Clay’s Bullwinkle… which is bordering on crass verbiage mine, but do so emphasize that in a world where gums as pen as a keyboard mouse be stemmed only by rebuke , dissociation & censorship or deletion, justifying the Sherman’s/his ilk of the world I will not do.

    “And while I agree that this style of bravado and poor sportsmanship has gotten way out of hand, as with political media, reality tv and seemingly every part of our current culture, loud and stupid is what “sells” these days”

    – I’m not buying it… are you? To each their own, Kerouac prefers the long, high road…

    “and in most cases, even most of the efforts to buck those trends are basically cut from the same exact cloth as per the Twitter and other media responses to Sherman’s outburst.”

    – as I said another article, reference the shooting in the Florida theater: what ‘freedom’ looks like an America unwilling to abide decency & rules, in lieu endogenous “I gots my rights (make myself and/or my team look foolish) man”. The modern vernacular – two morons – no waiting, manners as restraint not subject time, place or a common sense. Tomorrow… next week… following year, same thing will happen again… hey, it’s your thang, do what you wanna do, right?

    “I think you’re taking it all a bit too seriously, but what the hell, keep fighting the good fight. I just don’t have the energy.”

    – it is serious to me… I’ll carry the good fight forward into that night & those ‘morrows

  13. hot harley says:

    guys……..bet your section 8 houses on Denver….a sure bet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. hot harley says:

    champ bailey shuts down the worst receiving corps ever in a super bowl…
    Baldwin get 5 passes for 58 yars……
    welker explodes for 119 yards….3 td’s………
    Denver running backs…..k and ball….140 combined yards….the Denver o line
    is playing at such a high level right now they can easily give peyton 3-4 seconds
    for throwing any pass……………………
    count it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

  15. hot harley says:

    someone give the definition of a n*gger on martin luther kings holiday.
    someone tell me what that means….
    am I readying tkc….

  16. newbaum turk says:

    There’s no such thing as bad publicity and Sherman will probably make some good money off of this. He’s good too so he’s not going away. This is how sports is. Hell, did you see the ad with Terrel Owens? Even a guy that seemingly nobody likes gets a commercial. This is how it goes. You don’t see some anonymous lineman getting endorsements.

  17. Pingback: The Richard Sherman Reaction | dyingread

  18. Burt Mancaster says:

    It doesent take much for White America to tell you how she really feels!

    LOL yeah the guy was full of adrenaline after making a game winning play against a personal rival and his post game interview sounded like a Hulk Hogan spoof. I laughed myself and didn’t think twice about it because I was under the influence of adrenaline myself.

    When I saw all the hateful racists responses I didn’t cringe or gasp in shock I just sat back and sang the Star Spangled Banner and thought to myself that some people allow their gears and insecurities fo manifest into hatred which really makes them look inferior and inadequate.

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