Jack Goes Confidential: ‘THE WOLF OF WALL STREET’—From Penny Stocks to Sex, Power & Cocaine

leonardo-dicaprio-wolf-of-wall-street-trailerI’m going to gush about this one…

And why not, THE WOLF OF WALL STREET is my favorite film – not just this holiday season – but for ALL of 2013

Where to begin?

Let’s start with the fact that the movie is based on the true story of New York stockbroker Jordan Belfort who was eventually indicted for securities fraud and money laundering. He’s portrayed brilliantly in the film by Leonardo DiCaprio who’s mesmerizing performance has already earned him a GOLDEN GLOBE nomination for Best Actor.

DiCaprio’s character was about to enter the brokerage business under the guidance of senior (power) broker Matthew McConaughey whose ‘anything goes’ mending philosophy is something to behold.

But timing was terrible.

The stock market crash of 1987 spoiled all that. But DiCaprio didn’t give up. He joined a small time Penny Arcade, a small brokerage outfit specializing in hawking penny stocks while paying inflated commissions.

15-1n019-wallstreet2-300x300Long story short, DiCaprio uber-performs and soon opens his own firm with Jonah Hill as his first employee. From there it’s on to the American dream, baby. Money, sex, power MORE sex, cocaine and debauchery.

It’s the wild world of 1990’s excesses where the dirt bags of Wall Street stock brokers LIVED the credo that Greed IS Good! As hinted above, things didn’t continue to go DiCaprio’s way as the FBI finally brought him down.

But getting there is the most politically incorrect trip you’ve ever taken – tossing midgets and all…

Some thoughts.

* WOLF OF WALL STREET marks the fifth collaboration between director Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio.

It is, in my humble, opinion their BEST.

Incidentally DiCaprio also co-produced the picture with Scorsese.

* Jonah Hill as second in command’ Donnie Azoff is definitely on par here with his great past performance in MONEYBALL.

Hell, he exceeds it.

* Matthew McConaughey’s role as DiCaprio’s tutor doesn’t last long. I wish there would’ve been more of him in the movie, but during his brief screen time HE PERFORMS!

* DiCaprio’s pep talks and intoxicating sales spiels are something to behold.


(I would’ve bought in.) 

* With a three-hour long running time I was never bored or found myself fidgeting in my seat. And I never checked my watch once.

That’s saying something!

Now let’s talk SEX.


When first shown to the Ratings Board the producers were told that THE WOLF OF WALL

STREET would earn an NC-17 rating as submitted.

With a few snippets here and there it finally garnered an R rating—but pushes the outer limits of what typically musters for an R.

In the MPAA Rating Board’s own words:

“Rating R—for sequences of strong sexual content, graphic nudity, drug use and language throughout, and some violence.”

Matthew Has A Mixed ApproachDEADLINE HOLLYWOOD puts it in plainer English:

“Wait until middle America which loves its ‘Duck Dynasty’ gets a load of a homosexual orgy scene and the popular Leonardo DiCaprio blowing cocaine into a hooker’s anus through a straw.”

And talk about the Mile High Club on a flight to Las Vegas.

No jet lag there when it comes to debauchery on that charter.

All that plus fun featured supporting performances from Rob Reiner, Kyle Chandler, Jon Favreau and hottie Morgot Robbie as DiCaprio’s (second) trophy wife.

Loose, titillating, dramatic, sexy and fun. Just one hell of a movie and already nominated for BEST PICTURE by the Golden Globes.

I’m grading THE WOLF OF WALL STREET a mesmerizing A.

(Reviewed at Standees, Prairie Village)


JACK GOES TO THE MOVIES Friday mornings at 6:40 a.m. and 8:40 a.m. on NewsRadio KMBZ, 98.1 FM


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10 Responses to Jack Goes Confidential: ‘THE WOLF OF WALL STREET’—From Penny Stocks to Sex, Power & Cocaine

  1. Zak says:

    Movie seems a lot like the payday loan guys that the Pitch wrote about a couple weeks ago.

  2. CG says:

    Jack how does HUSTLE compare? Is this the best movie, WOLF, OF THAT LAST SEVERAL YEARS PERIOD???? You seem to really love it and you are usually dead on..

    • jack p. says:

      Craig, I don’t know how to answer that. I liked both movies but was blown away by “WOLF.”

      As far as older movies go, hell I can’t remember what I had for dinner last night…….

  3. chuck says:

    Jack you were right. I went to see this flick with my kid. We are still sick from laughing. OMG!! I know it is not supposed to be THAT funny (Based on a true story) but everyone in the theater was laughing themselves sick.

    I have to think about it, but it might be the funniest movie I have ever seen in my life.

    I will never eat at Benihana again.

  4. chuck says:

    “There might be a little chop.”

  5. chuck says:

    On the one hand, I can’t recommend this movie enough, but do NOT take the kids for ANY reason.

  6. chuck says:

    Check this out, a member of the Academy Award committee hunts down Scorsese and screams “Shame on you!!” for making this movie.


    He is hustled off while the howls of indignant Hollywood types peal off of the walls.

    God I love it.

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