New Jack City: AMC’s New ‘Glass Palace’ a Sight to Behold

AMC-Theatre-Support-Center_Recent-ProjectsWhere was I?

Obviously not in Kansas anymore—or was I?

Sure enough it was the grand opening of AMC Entertainment’s new Theatre Support Center located at the Park Place development in South Leawood.

Could’ve fooled me, because touring the new four story state-of-the-art facility had the feel of something you’d expect to see at the headquarters of a Google or Apple.

Luring AMC across the state line with those ever so popular Kansas incentives has now provided America’s second largest theater circuit with an iconic 21st century, pristine new age headquarters that would’ve made company founder Stan Durwood proud.

When one enters the heavily glassed building your first focus is upon a giant 36 monitor video wall which features a mix of company clips and theatrical trailers.

But that’s just the beginning.

There’s a Network Operations Center keeping tabs on AMC’s 342 theater locations.

And how about the digital wall of current hits which changes weekly.

There’s wallpaper made of movie poster strips. A tribute wall to AMC’s best week (at the box office) ever. And yes, a map of the United States of AMC.

cwc-chinese-cinemaClever, huh?

Think that’s it…no way.

Not by a long stretch. The open, environmentally friendly structure also features a putting green, ping pong tables, exterior terraces, carpet patterns derived from movie images, a thumb print controlled company kitchen, eight Trek bicycles and helmets for use by staffers from the AMC LiveWell Center and a walk station to burn calories.

And it’s all surrounded by office openness.

header-about-amcOFFICE SPACE, anybody?

I know I’m missing many of the impressive design applications that make AMC’s new corporate headquarters a business home for its 400-plus associates.

The structure would make for an architectural marvel in any world capitol.

Instead it’s now the buzz of Leawood to which we were invited by its mayor Peggy Dunn, Kansas governor Sam Brownback, AMC chief exec Gerry Lopez as well as a rep of the circuit’s new Chinese ownership.

So yes Toto, we were STILL in Kansas.
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11 Responses to New Jack City: AMC’s New ‘Glass Palace’ a Sight to Behold

  1. chuck says:

    If Apple buys them out, the building does have on flaw. It’s not big enough to jump off of and commit suicide.

    That is both ends of the Bell Curve on Chinese companies and their relationship with labor.

  2. bschloz says:

    Putting Green – Ping Pong Tables – Big Screen TV Wall! Picturing a snack bar with $10 Popcorn and Drink combos.

  3. paulwilsonkc says:

    I was fortunate enough to tour that facility about a month before move in. Its something that isn’t duplicated anywhere in KC. Most impressive is a theatre type lobby installation for company meetings. HUGE screen made up for linked flat screens and bleacher style seating. It would be a way cool place to work………… until it moves to the West Coast.
    Nice story, Jack.

    • the dude says:

      Or China.
      They usually sneak it in on employees after telling everyone their jobs are secure a few years down the line. They blame it on various excuses like ‘ the economy is flagging’, Hung Lo needs a new Shitzu, baby needs a few million pairs of shoes.

  4. gene says:

    Looks and sounds impressive. Why would they want to move to the west coast?

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Gene, it’s just my contention that’s where their Chinese ownership will want them at some point. Just a guess.

      • admin says:

        After all, how many plane changes would you want to make flying from Peking to KC? And then once you get here you’re another billion miles from Hollywood and New York.

        • paulwilsonkc says:

          Lest we forget, this isn’t home base for my friend Mr Lopez either.
          People get all strung out thinking “…but they have this new building!?!” Tom Leathers made that point to me when it looked like Sprint could high tail it for Jackson, MS. “They just built the campus, theres no way they would leave.”
          I said, “Tom, that entire campus represents less than 1% of the acquisition price!” That put things in perspective.
          It was then he developed his comic proposal to put a fence around it and turn it into section 8 apartments if they moved out!

  5. GB says:

    Some movers had to work the weekend following the 4th of July! Did you grill them about that?

    • Super Dave says:

      Lots of people I know worked that weekend. I’m having a hard time getting your point? Not like the 4th was on a Friday this year.

  6. jack p. says:

    …hope that didn’t kill them. Come to think of it all of AMC’s theatres were open for business on the weekend following the 4th of July as well.

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