Hearne: Something Frightening This Way Comes…Boz Scaggs @ The Uptown

scaggs oneOh my gosh, this is a little disturbing…

Cruising the web to see what’s up on the Pitch and Star websites a few minutes ago, I stumbled onto one of those bogus party pics pages that the newspaper uses to up their daily “hits” counts from folks curious to see who went wherever.

Remember a week or so ago when the Star had all the pseudo hipsters having a White Trash bash? Tacky at the very least. And hypocritical when juxtaposed with the George Zimmerman race baiting the newspaper had been engaged in, that it would play the “creepy ass cracker” card so blatantly.

Or as one readers put it, “Now that they finished chastising everyone about being racially insensitive, here come the white trash party pics on their main page, with a link to the gallery. I assume the ghetto party pics are soon forthcoming?”

That was then.

Screen shot 2013-07-26 at 11.36.33 AMToday’s Star party pics are from last night’s Boz Scaggs concert at the Uptown.

And while political correctness has absolutely nothing to do with this 82 strong photo spread, the photos provide a shocking look at what’s become of the Flower Screen shot 2013-07-26 at 11.33.34 AMChildren crowd of the 1960s and 1970s.

In other words, the remaining readership at the Star.

I know this is going to sound more than a little harsh, but Holy Moly, it looks more like a World War I and II veterans reunion than a rock concert.

Check it out.

I’ll let the pics speak for themselves, with one reminder;  it’s been several years since I noticed that the Moody Blues played the Lawrence Welk theatre in Branson. And I thought that was unsettling. The Lennon Sisters and Ray Price – no problem. The Moodies and Lynyrd Skynyrd, that’s bothersome.

Screen shot 2013-07-26 at 11.37.36 AMChanging times, ladies and gentlemen. Changing times.

And where is the smartman now when I most need him?Screen shot 2013-07-26 at 11.36.21 AMScreen shot 2013-07-26 at 11.57.32 AM












That’s all folks!

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17 Responses to Hearne: Something Frightening This Way Comes…Boz Scaggs @ The Uptown

  1. the dude says:

    Hey, the old fogies need their concert fix like anyone else.
    What did you expect, screaming teenies?

  2. PB says:

    I think Boz is near 70 years old so it only stands to reason that his audience would be…let’s just say mature. I doubt that many people under 50 would have been inclined to attend this show so I don’t see the real issue with those pics of fairly normal people in that particular age group. I wasn’t there last night, but I find it refreshing that some of us aren’t afraid of looking and acting our actual age.

  3. Mark says:

    Before you bitch about Boz, let’s see you make an album like “Silk Degrees.” Fucking brilliant, even decades later.

    • admin says:

      I liked that album, once upon a time.

      Some music holds up better than others and you have to listen to it to see sometimes. I’ve purchased music from bands I used to like – kind of as a crime of passion – and they just didn’t do it anymore. Even bands from the 1990s.

      Boz music was pretty adult, pop and mainstream though and that’s the kind of music likely to hold up better for older listeners. Iron Butterfly? Less so, maybe.

      But I wasn’t bitching about Boz, I was just marveling at how downtrodden his former rock star fans were looking. I went to see shows like Frank Sinatra with my parents crowd and don’t remember them looking nearly this weatherbeaten.

      Maybe it was the sex, drugs and rock n roll

  4. Super Dave says:

    You mean to say you have never been to a Stones concert the past oh say 20 years?

  5. Mysterious J says:

    So your balls are in an uproar about old people now?

  6. Orphan of the Road says:

    First, I’d like to address your ageist comments in two-parts.

    Number one, I have hemorrh0ids older than you. Secondly, age & guile trump youth, innocence and a bad haircut.

    You better get it while you can.
    If you wait too long, it’ll all be gone
    And you’ll be sorry then.
    It doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor,
    It’s the same for a woman or a man.
    From the cradle to the crypt
    It’s a mighty short trip,
    So you better get it while you can.
    And the little white boys with their shiny guitars,
    Would follow right along at their heels.
    They learned the words and they learned the chords
    But they never did learn how it feels.


  7. Gal says:

    Yet another Star bashing. Shocking!! Let me get this straight: you bash the Star constantly, yet you use the Star as your only source of information for a story? You probably don’t know this (unless the Star or Pitch reported on it), but Boz has a new album out and I’m pretty sure he has some new fans because of that album. I was at this show and there were lots of age groups there. The pictures don’t tell the whole story.

    • Hearne says:

      No Star bashing here, ma’am. You sound a little over sensitive.

      Just a bit shocked by the look of this crowd. Can you read?

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