Hearne: ‘Sons of Anarchy’ Descend on Midland Tonight

katey-sagal-an-evening-of-music-and-the-cast-of-sons-of-anarchy_04-18-13_23_516c2a2e89a8eGot Netflix?

Along with an appetite for bikers, bawdiness and badasses? Then head down to the Midland by AMC tonight for the 8 p.m. “music and cast” incarnation of the FX series, The Sons of Anarchy with Katey Sagal.

You remember her, right?

Christina Applegate‘s mom Peggy Bundy on the long running Fox comedy series “Married….with Children.”

Well, forget everything you think you know about Sagal because not only are we talking anarchy, we’re talking biker anarchy.

“The show’s about this kid named Jax – I probably shouldn’t call him a kid because he’s older than me – and he’s taking over this biker gang called the Sons of Anarchy and dealing with the demons of the gang,” says Shauna Swanson, a buyer for Hobbs in Lawrence. “I mean, they do lots of illegal stuff, it’s a serious show. I mean, he kills people and does some nasty, nasty stuff. It’s as R-rated as you can get on regular TV – full butt and side boob – it’s kind of a bad ass, crazy, action show.”

And while Swanson’s never actually dated any bikers, “I think it would be kind of cool to be a biker chick,” she says. “It’s kind of like a modern day version of the Mafia with bikes.”

20121112-sons-of-anarchy-600-1352761322Sagal plays Jack’s mom who starts out as the “head old lady” of the gang but appears poised to cede the title to her son’s new wife Tara, “who’s struggling with whether to be a full time bad ass with the club or remain a surgeon,” Swanson says. “And then become a doting mother to their two young sons.”

Speaking of Swanson morphing into a biker babe…

She does have the hots for the character Opie.

“I love him because he’s like the good guy who’s completely torn,” Swanson says.

Just one problem.

“They clubbed him to death in a prison fight late last season. I cried I was so mad and I had to walk away from the television.”

The wildest scene Swanson’s seen to date?

“They took one of the characters daughters and put her in a hole and poured gasoline on her and set her on fire and they made her dad watch while he was handcuffed to the railroad tracks.”

See you guys there?


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19 Responses to Hearne: ‘Sons of Anarchy’ Descend on Midland Tonight

  1. the dude says:

    The head biker’s name is Jax, short for Jackson. Nobody on the show calls him Jack and he wears white lowtops on a bike.

  2. chuck says:

    I tried once to set up a small anarchist community once, but no one would obey the rules.

  3. chuck says:

    Here is a local link to the Sons of Kansas City Anarchy.


    Sheesh, whadya think these guys do at the meetings?

    “Hmmm, yeah, 1848, THOSE were the days!!”

  4. chuck says:

    I think I would be “Gravely Dissapointed” in this show.


  5. CG says:

    Funny Chuck. Love your work.

  6. Orphan of the Road says:

    She has legitimate music roots as one of Bette Midler’s Harlettes.

    The premise of the show is Hamlet.

    Shauna can apply with the Galloping Goose. They are always looking out for mammas.

    Having lived through a Pagans – Warlocks war in Pennsylvania with some 30-young girls disappearing from a local shopping mall with connections to The Castle in Delaware County, I have no illusions about these gangs.

    Frank had this show booked at Knuckleheads. What happened there is the story.

      • Orphan of the Road says:

        Very loosely. Son finds step-father had killed his father and married his mom to take over the throne. The first year the influences were heavy, less so as time has gone on.

        As smartman wrote there are comparisons all over the internet.

        I can picture Harley and Tig stopping off for a “cold one”.

  7. smartman says:

    The Hamlet connection is based on the fact that Jax’s dad founded the club. He’s the proverbial “ghost” in the room. It’s not a verbatim interpretation of Hamlet but the “influence” can be seen if you are a fan of “The Bard”. Internet is full of analysis and comparison.

    To me it started out great but it’s turned into pure crap. Piss poor writing, undeveloped character arc’s and story lines out of coo-coo land. Makes Justified seem believable.

    They should change the name to Badfellas, cause Goodfellas it ain’t.

  8. If you can read this shirt, Hearne's Ex Wife Fell off says:

    The odd thing about SOA is that it appears to be written mainly for women. Very soap-opera like storylines.

    It was good for a season and Kathy Sagall does a good job as the head biker cougar. It’s worth a watch on netflix or something.

  9. gerald bostock says:

    I think all the necessary Peg Bundy is now a biker mama stories were written five years ago when the show premiered. Here’s another hot tip to follow–this show about an Madison Avenue advertising agency in the 1960s. It’s called Mad Men–get it? I bet if you asked around in Lawrence you could find a sales clerk or a waiter who could give a synopsis of the plot.

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