Leftridge: There’s a Football Game Tomorrow, I Think


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3 Responses to flacco

  1. Jaffar says:

    This was another psiotive comment worth sharing,taken from the Care2 petiton website under the Save the Fraser Island Dingo heading. 5:56 pm PDT, May 12, Sally Kilpatrick, AustraliaI also grew up in Hervey Bay, with Fraser Island being our pride and joy. I worked in a backpacking hostel for a while, and one of the highlights of touring Fraser is seeing the dingoes. As an organisation we provided information regarding these wild animals, such as advising tourists to pack away food items properly, and not approach the dingoes etc We never once had an issue with the animals. It breaks my heart to see the condition they are in. Fraser Island is the natural habitat of these wild animals. WE are invading them, not the other way around. How many species must we destroy before we are comfortable? These animals should be protected and respected. Instead, they are hunted and starving.

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