New Jack City: Super Bowl KC Style–Good Buy–Right Price?

matthew-broderick-super-bowl-ad-628_crop_exactThe almighty Super Bowl is right around the corner…

And with it comes its extraordinarily huge viewing audience. Especially givenĀ  the popularity of this year’s game featuring a duel between the two team’s head coach brothers.

Then there’s America’s fascination with Super Bowl TV commercials.

This year a 30 second network spot during the CBS telecast game has escalated to $4 million. Which may sound huge but still seems reasonable when advertisers calculate the cost per thousand and consider the demographic reached by their commercials.

But what about the Super Bowl spots in Kansas City?

How much are advertisers paying to target America’s 33rd largest media market?

Sources say 30 second in-game spots on KCTV start at $35,000 and go from there. Compared to normal 30 second Sunday prime time spots that sell for between three and four thousand dollars.

Let’s say KCTV is sold out of local avails and an advertiser still wants to buy an in-game commercial—then what?

wccNo problem.

That’s where the bump rate of $50,000 per 30 second spot comes into play. Again a reasonable rate considering the huge number of eyeballs delivered by the game.

There are cheaper spots offered locally, like during the pre kickoff coverage at $10,000 a throw.

Not to mention local packages of just under $100,000 that include spots in the playoffs leading up to the Super Bowl, pre and post Super Bowl segments and during the big game itself.

Question is, whether local advertisers dishing out that kind of dough will stick with their regular commercials or incur the additional expense of producing kickass new spots for the Super Bowl.

Here’s an idea…

Instead of rating the national spots like everyone always does, how about rating the best of the local commercials by KCTV’s advertisers?

The big game goes down on Sunday, February 3rd.

Incidentally the Super Bowl is aired in approximately 225 countries to an international audience of about 80 to 100 million people.

Does that make it the biggest game watched around the globe?


That honor belongs to what is considered real footballThe World Cup.

The World Cup is watched by half the world, an estimated 2.2 BILLION people!
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3 Responses to New Jack City: Super Bowl KC Style–Good Buy–Right Price?

  1. Super Dave says:

    Now Jack you know the soccer haters are going to tell you you’re all wrong with those numbers.

  2. chuck says:

    Hey Jack, I saw the interview with Curtis Jay yesterday, where you and two other critics spoke.

    Mr. Jay’s unprepared, unprofessional vacuity embarrassed his station, his parents and generations of future Jays who hopefully find employment in jobs requiring cardboard hats which keep out of the public eye.

    Who the f*ck has never heard of Dr. Chivago? When you started to explain the plot to Mr. Jay (Whose favorite movie is “Django”, I thought Niccum was gonna slap the guy.), the entire culture slipped like a fu*kin tectonic plate further into the abyss.

    The critic on the left (Forgot his name, apologies.) who never was addressed to to answser the question put to all three of you, “What is your favorite movie”, struggled to mention “Lawrence of Arabia”, again, Mr. Jay draws a blank and talks over him.


    I swear to god if you guys would have all agreed that “Spongebob Squarepants Movie 2” was the quintessential statement on post colonial feminism he would have giggled and nodded his head.

    What a dooofus.

  3. jon says:

    Wonder how many spots local stations have available for sale during the game? Bet it’s not a lot since CBS wants to hold on to as many minutes as possible.

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