Whinery: Democrat Convention 2012, Day One

The first day of the Democrat National Convention went fairly well, as far as delivery goes…

They did a really good job focusing on personal anecdotes while dutifully avoiding the President’s record at all costs.

The Michelle Obama could give David Copperfield or the late Harry Houdini a run for their money in the magic department.

The First Lady came off as a better orator than Barack!

But it wasn’t meant for the ears of those like myself- who would vote for Mickey Mouse before pulling the lever for Obama.

The speech was crafted towards those who voted for Obama in 2008, who don’t like the results of his Presidency and need to be refocused on how appealing the President is on a personal level.

She reminded people about what a “great guy” her husband is and why they voted for him the first time around. And she delivered that magic!

I even found myself thinking “Wow-Barack is awesome!”

If the First Lady had that effect on me- she solidified his base- regardless of how disappointed his voters are with his actual results. But he can’t win with only his base and how the Dems are going to appeal to Independent Voters is yet to be seen…

The Castro Brothers are the future of the Democratic Party,
precisely because they don’t sound like Democrats. All the talk about “lifting themselves up by their bootstraps” mixed with self reliance and hard work was great, to say the least… Wish Obama spoke more along those lines.

Mayor Cory Booker– His speech was before prime time and kind of flat – I was disappointed but expected as much. He’s too shell shocked from his trip to the  “woodshed” from defending Bain Capital and private equity to go off the reservation during his brief remarks to the delegates this time around.

The biggest spin so far has to be the President changing the venue of his acceptance from a 78,000 seat stadium to around 20,000 in the convention hall. The “official” story is that they are concerned about the weather- even though the weatherman on the local NBC affiliate says Thursday night is going to have the best weather of the week.

The Dems were too afraid of camera shots of empty seats during his
“coronation” and couldn’t find enough “zombies” willing to be bussed in to listen to a bunch of platitudes and empty promises…

Tonight we get to hear from a REAL PRESIDENT, “Daddy Bill Clinton…”

I cant wait!!!

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56 Responses to Whinery: Democrat Convention 2012, Day One

  1. Rick Nichols says:

    With all due respect the Mickey Mouse image rightfully belongs with the blog about the K.C. Animation celebration since Walt Disney created this loveable little guy while he was still living here. I’m still waiting for “None of the Above” to officially appear on the presidential ballot in lieu of a viable third-party candidate.

    • harley says:


      economy is coming back!
      NO MORE ADS IN THOSE STATES….the end is near whiney…
      now that he’s given up on those states he’ll probably give
      up soon on ohio and wisconsin…..it’s almost over whiney.
      WHEN DOES romney and lyin ryan bring out the real racist
      stuff………….it alm ost over….the romney ryan ticket is falling
      aparty across america…….get use to it whiney…….
      you’ve been wrong all along…now get used to getting your a$$ kicked…


  2. Craig Glazer says:

    Bill Clinton would easily beat both these guys for the White House…easy…he was a winner..no doubt..even in his mistakes…he was cool and is a true star…can’t say that about Obama or Mitt, not yet, maybe not ever….

    • mike says:

      Just curious, Glaze. As a Jew, what did you think of the Democratic platform pertaining to Israel? First, Jerusalem was not recognized as the capitol of Israel. Then that was reversed today to loud booing from at least 1/2 of the delegates.

    • harley says:

      I met bill clinton…many of my associates worked for him in d.c.
      A good frined from st. louis was his speech writer. He’s a genius…
      with a remarkable memory.
      there will probably never be a smarter man in the presidency..
      he was not only smart but a great orator. He makes everyone he
      speaks to beleive that he’s talking with them one on one.
      Most importantly. he dug a huge hole for romney and lyin ryan.
      But he made a huge point that will probably be a key factor in the
      Romney/Ryan want to end medicaid. If you have parents who need
      to go into a nursing home you would know that medicaid covers that
      expense. How many baby boomers when the hear the story
      about this and how romeny/ryan want to cut medicaid and the
      effect it would have on kids putting their parents in nursing homes.
      that hits close to home for millions of those baby boomers.
      If romney cuts medicaird who covers the cost of seniors in those
      nursing homes. I’ msure we’ll hear lots about that real soon.

      • harley says:

        actualli not oonly was clinten my friend he wanted to give me monnica. i sais wait billy mi wiffie woul dbe mad at mme thanls any way friennd!

    • mike says:

      The big difference between Clinton and Obama is that Clinton is a pragmatist.
      Both of them were so unpopular after 2 years that they lost the Congress. Remember Gingrich and the “Contract with America”.
      The difference is that Clinton, after realizing what the people wanted, sat down with Gingrich and together, they passed many spending cuts and welfare reform leading to a budget surplus.
      Obama would not even listen to the other side at all leading to them pushing back and not working with him either.
      Clinton took what was a negative thing for him and turned it into the best thing that ever happened to him politically. Obama did not.
      Much of Clinton’s speech last night, whether intentional or not, contrasted his record with Obama’s. The only problem is that Clinton is not running.

      • harley says:

        mikey….this republican party from day one did not want
        to do anything to help obama in the nations toughest
        economic situation.
        Republican senator and congressmen who desperatelu wanted
        to work with obama…were telling dems in the house and
        senate that they were ordered and with conesequences that
        they were not to vote for anything obama wanted..and this
        started while the prez was being inaugurated.
        You are wrong again…even the programs obama talked about..which were expressly republican ideas when it came
        time to vote on those republican ideas the rape publicans
        wouldn’t vote for it or would filibuster it.
        Get a history book…go read something relevant because you
        are completely wrong.
        remember that health care program was an originaly
        republican idea..remember that obamas job bill was
        one that the republicans originally supportrd and touted…
        and when the stimulus was passed despite opposition from the
        rape publicans who lined up to get those dollars…every single
        republican congressman and senator.
        When health care passed…lyin ryan was there with his hand
        out to get some of that money…
        liars and cheats…they ruined the economy then wanted to
        destroy the nation.
        I would suggest that you do some factual research before
        you write another piece on here because you continue to
        falsify and twist everything you write to fit your narrow
        minded beliefs.
        oh…one of the top rape publican pundits…castellanos said
        ‘the election is over”{. clinton sealed the deal.
        maybe you should stop talking and start reading and observing.

        • mike says:

          The day Obama was elected, he arrogantly told the Republicans “Elections have consequences and I won”. He has never tried to work with the Republicans from day 1.

          • Markus Aurelius says:

            Exactly. Harley has a bit of revisionist memory going on. Telling House Republicans that you’ll listen to them but then never accepting any of their ideas does not constitute working with them. Obama isn’t able to effectively work with Republicans on most, if not all, issues is because he is so far to the left of center. Clinton was a moderate Democrat so it was far, far easier for him to find a “middle ground” that was acceptable to him and the Republican Congress. Even if Obama moves 5 inches to the right he is still way out in leftist left field. It’s no different that if, say, Mike Huckabee, was president and the Democrats said he’s impossible to work with regarding contraceptive issues. He’s so far to the right that he can never reach an acceptable middle ground on that issue.

            Unfortunately, Obama is pretty far to the left on most issues. Couple that with (1) his competitive (rather than collaborative) nature, (2) his stubbornness, and (3) his own belief that he is much smarter (and thus, knows better) than those across the aisle, and it’s easy to see why he can’t get anything done.

            Personally, I’d like to see Romney as president with a Republican Senate and Democratic House. There is no question that Romney will tow closer to the middle after the election. Likewise, there is no question that Obama will tow farther to the left. I don’t think either party effectively governs with control of both the executive and legislative branches.

        • harley says:

          any of your rape publicans got any money to put on
          this election…put up or shut up….lets see who
          will put their money where their mouth is….

  3. DSW-ESQ. says:

    We agree on something Mr. Glazer… Bill Clinton was the best & would take Barack & Mitt to the woodshed!

  4. harley says:

    whiney man…i see you’re still trying to impersonate a political pundit when there
    is not one fact in your story…not one piece of real information…which leads
    me to ascertain that you’re not equipped to stay with people who have facts and
    First off let me explain to mikey some facts. Recent polls have obama receiving
    65-70% of the jewish vote. Not a big deal because they’ve supported him
    and clinton in huge numbers. Remember what rape publican romney said..
    I have my “own ” platform…don’t pay attention to the party platform.
    Had youdone some research you wouldn’t have to ask glaze about his opinion
    of the jerusalem issue…very mute point. And if you followed the rape publican
    convention you would have seen john boner do the same thing during his
    bit about the platform in tampa. Watch the conventions…read some research..
    it will help you with your writings.
    Yes. whiney michelle gave an incredible speech. Of course michelle has
    accomplished much in her life…more than ann romney could ever imagine.
    Law degrees…high intelligence…something mrs. romney never had and since
    ann is more concerend with $75,000 taax deductible horse dressing it appears
    ann is very very shallow and only cares about accumulating money.
    As far as the stadium…the official count given was the attendance would have
    been close to 65,000 but weather and thunderstorms played a part.
    If you remember the rape publican romney giving a speech in a stadium (go
    to you tube) i think there were maybe 1000people there for the speech.
    As far as whineys comments about the castro brothers and pulling themselves
    up by bootstraps …whiney is so far off base in that regard. If you read the story
    of obama he was essentially raised with almost nothing…almost no family
    and little money. Rasied himself up to harvard…turned down million dollar
    jobs…went to work in the streets…senator then presdient of the united states.
    Your rape pubclian hero romney had millions of dollars to work with from the
    time he was born…with a silver spoon in his mouth and a rich family you can
    hardly say that rmoney was a self made man. Maybe you do …but daddy gave
    him millions to start his company…used drug dealer dollars to finance bain…
    essentially a spoiled rich kid who never accomplished nor completed any
    task he got into …remember he left the governor mansion and didn’t seek
    reelection…a quitter! Not one to use as someone who pulled himself up by
    his bootstraps or did anything on his own beside screw workers and companies
    and vendors…the looted those companies and took the money into overseas
    accounts. Please whiney…i wish you used better analogies for your statements
    but i understand with limited political background you leave much to be
    If any of the candidates exemplified the american dream…it would
    not be romeny with the silver spoon or ryan with his families huge fortune
    built with the exclusive use of government money in building railroads.
    It would be obama who came from nothing to actually be president.
    You also mentioned independent voters and if you check the polls..they
    show obama winning independent voters. and i predict after this
    convention that lead will increase. I also predicted a 5-6 point bounce
    for the president…but we need to wait 2 weeks to effectively examine the
    effects of the conventions on the race.
    All the rape publicans have now is a totally inferior candidate…an edsel and
    a liar and a bag full of money. However…being a businessman you know that
    an inferior product can only be sold for a short time til people figure out
    that the product is crap. Thats romney. While most candidates hit the
    road in major campaign mode right after their convention…romney
    took a vacation. Not only a recalled and terrible candidate but also lazy.
    The word is that romeny gets tired easily on the campaign trail and we will
    soon see he can’t take the grindd of a 60 day campaign swing. Even
    ryan with his young body can’t keep up…
    last night michelle did not just excite thebase…she excited the hardest
    republicans…all the fox new team said the speech was magnificent..
    her activites for veterans…obese children…health and fitness is a testament
    to a very very intelligent and worldly woman who would rather reshape the
    world than attend rich republican coctail tea parties and ride horses
    like ann romney.
    Clintos speech was fantastic..adn he is going to bring it home in november.
    On ly one thing can win this thing for rmoney…thats the money they use
    to advertise….
    romney is a defective product and just like the edsell i don’t think theres
    enough money in the world to make people vlike this guy…

    • mike says:

      My question to Glaze was not all that stupid. I was listening to Mark Levin, who is Jewish, and he was deeply offended by how this God and Jerusalem thing was handled by the Democrats. Also Harley, you did not answer this question in any way but just said it was moot and cited past voting statistics. I would even like to hear your views on Israel.

      • harley says:

        mi,key…mark levin? hardly a centrist jew…hardly a
        middle of the road…this wing nut does not represent the
        jewish people with his disgusting hate spewed speech.
        Mikey…before writing another piece..please go do some
        research and become literate in politics.
        Levin…you might as well qoute hitler mikey. In my
        posts i qoute republicans talking about politics.
        You use right wing nuts are your source.
        Hillary/barak is the greatest supporter of israel…hands down!
        Where are you getting your information…from the
        white aryan nation website….
        using mark levin is a terrible way to context your post…wow!

        • mike says:

          You are hardly a centrist either. Comparing Levin to the Aryan Nations just because you disagree with his politics is the kind of rhetoric that discredits whatever else you have to say. Levin is right wing, no doubt, but he is very intelligent and has cogent reasons for his viewpoints. Before you criticize others for hate spewed speech, look in the mirror!

          • Lance the Intern says:

            In accordance with Godwin’s Law, by forcing Harley into a “Reductio ad Hitlerum” logical fallacy, Mike has won the debate.

          • harley says:

            mikey…he’s a racist bomb throwing terrorist..
            do you listen to him…i think the dog is on
            at 6pm on kcmo am….wow…have you nothing
            better to do in life than listen to that garbage?
            oh yeah mikey…your buddy willard just gave
            up 2 swing states….penn and michigan…and
            soon will giv e up in ohio.
            See mikey the billionaires don’t like to waste
            money on a last place finisher in the race..
            i guarantee the coke brothers are wanting
            to get their money back about now………
            Mikey…you’ve been wrong all along…when
            you get more intelligent facts and research
            come comment…TIL THEN…YOU’RE JUST
            ANOTHER HATER ON KCC!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          • mike says:


            That is another thing that kills me about liberals. They classify any disagreement with them or their policies as hate speech. That is just a feeble attempt to stifle any dissent from their opinions. They have a right to their opinions but noone else does.
            I am not going to quit saying my opinion on here because of you trying to bully me into that by calling me a hater.
            Again, look in the mirror. You are the one doing the name calling anytime someone has a different opinion than your own. That is very sophmoric and childish.

          • Markus Aurelius says:

            Thank you for injecting logic and reason into the conversation. Unfortunately, with Harley the conversation almost always gets reduced to “I know you are but what am I?” playground garbage. There is no point conversing with someone that is of the mindset that the louder and more vociferously they state their argument the better their argument becomes. There are members of both parties that seem to have this affliction and I choose to ignore all of them.

            The fact that Harley responded with +10 after getting called out for invoking Godwin’s law is an indication that he just doesn’t get it.

    • Lance the Intern says:

      “…something mrs. romney [sic] never had and since
      ann is more concerend [sic] with $75,000 taax [sic] deductible horse dressing it appears ann [sic] is very very shallow and only cares about accumulating money.”

      Just to be clear, Ann Romney has been active in a number of charities, including United Way, Operation Kids, Stand For Children, Olympic Aid (a charity for children from war-torn regions), and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

      Ann Romney also has a degree from BYU and attended the University of Grenoble (for Harley, that’s Grenoble, France — where Andre the Giant was from)…And while not in the league with Harvard, BYU is still in the top 75 Universities according to US News and World Report.

      • harley says:

        give me a break lance….ann romney never worked a
        day in her life. She married willard for the money.
        Her passion is her $75,000 horse which for some reason
        willard uses as a tax deduction.
        Give me a break lance. Her accomplishments and life
        story is no where near that of michelle. These romneys have no idea what normal americans deal with…
        another failed post…sorry…do some research and get
        back with me
        Michelle came from nothing…grew up with nothing and
        paid her way thru college…an attorney…WHAT’S ANN
        check the research lance. get back with us about ann.
        Sure she attended byu…so do thousands of other
        another silver spoon woman who lived a fairy tale life
        going to school in france where willard hung out to avoid

        • Lance the Intern says:

          “Michelle came from nothing…” Do your own research. Michelle Obama’s father was a city water plant employee and her mother worked as a secretary. Hardly coming from nothing.

          Michelle Obama attended Princeton on scholarship (because of her excellent academic record). She did not “pay” her way through college. I can’t seem to find a source that indicates one way or another how she paid for Harvard Law.

          If you want a “came from nothing” story sometime, I’ll be happy to share.

          • harley says:

            SHE HAD student loans ….unlike ann who
            had a silver spoon and studied in
            antil american countries like france with
            draft dodging hubby willard who disguised
            himself as a mormon in the wine gardens in

    • Markus Aurelius says:

      Wow, Harley, you’re revealing your prejudices and general douchbaggery (and lack of appropriate grammar) more and more each day.

      “Of course michelle has accomplished much in her life…more than ann romney could ever imagine.”

      Really? REALLY??? If someone from the other side of the aisle said the reverse about Michelle Obama, people like you would be the first to jump down their throats claiming how insensitive, callous, ignorant and racist the person was.

      • harley says:

        just speaking the truth….nto racists…not callous….
        you need to do your research….
        and you know markus…the rape publicans have said much
        much worse things than that about michelle.
        have you seen the emails/letters/disgusting writings attacking
        that was not directed to ann on a personal basis…just based
        on the fact that she’s been a priviledged woman who in
        my opinion has done nothing near what michelle has
        done to help others….

      • Lance the Intern says:

        Ann Romney’s father was a self-made businessman who co-founded Jered Industries….Would your description of Ann Romney as someone “very very shallow and only cares about accumulating money.” and having “never worked a
        day in her life.” apply to all women with similar backgrounds? Aren’t you yourself a “self-made businessman”? Would this accurately describe your daughter (obviously, I’m making the HUGE assumption that an actual woman would:
        a) Sleep with you
        b) Be willing to bear your children )?

        • harley says:

          please…we didn’t talk about ann romney’s dad..
          we talked about ann and willard…both
          who probably never worked much in their life..
          both given everything they had.
          Ann…a priviledged life. Not bad if you can get it.
          but i said she has no where the personal accomplishments of michelle.
          whiney man said obama should talk about someone
          pulling themselves up. My comment was that willard
          didn’t…and thatobama c ould talk about personal
          accomplishments coming from a broken home..
          tough upbringing…and accomplished more from
          nothing than willard would have ever done.
          when it comes to personal accomplishments and
          as whiney man wrote about obama and michelle
          have an incredible story to tell..
          ann and mitt were handed everything and hence a
          total lack of the ability to care about those on the
          bottom of the ladder.
          Mitt didn’t care…he used everyone in his way for his
          own personal wealth destroying lives and busting out
          companies for his own gains. And mitt didn’
          t pull himself up by his bootstraps…he was handed
          everything in his life…money/wealth/ and that
          makes a huge difference.

          • Lance the Intern says:

            You’re the one that brought up the “silver spoon”….Perhaps you don’t understand the meaning…..Maybe Glazer can explain it to you.

        • harley says:

          WHILE MICHELLE was working with the programs to help make kids healthy and her and jill’s
          woundedv warrier program…WHAT WAS ANN ROMNEY DOING????
          riding a $75,000 horse in the olympics (that her husband used as a tax deduction)……

  5. chuck says:

    Mike brings up a very good point, and I too want Glaze to answer the question relating to the salient anti-Israel sentiment that is now part and parcel (They hissed and swore like sailors on teh convention floor when the LA MAyor called for a voice vote on the acknowledgement of Jerusalem as the capital of Isreal.) of the Democratic Party conversation.


    Even long time party member Senator Chuck Schumer is gobsmacked by this development.


    Here are some of the comments from the Democratic delegates on the voice vote, which was OBVIOUSLY AGAINST the official acknowledgement of Jerusalem as the capital of Isreal.

    “”There was no discussion. We didn’t even see it coming. We were blindsided by it,” said Noor Ul-Hasan, a Muslim delegate from Salt Lake City, who questioned whether the convention had enough of a quorum to even amend the platform.

    “The majority spoke last night,” said Angela Urrea, a delegate from Roy, Utah. “We shouldn’t be declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.”

    Some will say this is a tempest in a tea cup, and, indeed it may be.

    My belief is that this extemporaneous reaction from the rank and file delegates to the Democratic Convention represents the actual politics of said members on the floor, who represent said members back home.

    Official pronouncements, pulled like teeth from the proverbial chicken, notwithstanding, the new Democratic Party has arrived.

    Juden ist verboten.

    Now there is a real Nazi Reference that holds real time water in the face of the attacks on Republicans which compare various and sundry Republicans to Goebbles and Eva Braun.


    Hollywood is run almost totally by Jews (Oops, is that racist too?). Self hating Jews like Harvey Weinstein (He is the worst.) and the pantheon of similar such wanna be clones who make decisions, movies and TV shows that glorify the destruction of the Judeo Christian concepts and ethos that made this country great, while selling down the river the folks who championed the Israeli cause for the last 75 years are beyond contempt.

    Those leaders of the current diaspora all over the world, with the notable American exceptions, must, in my opinion start spreading blood over their doors each night.

    The ever growing presence of the Salafist flag accompanying the “Arab Spring”, celebrated by Shia thugs in the Mideast and Europe, in combination with the lies (American Islamic Takia), propaganda and 5th column efforts of folks just like the Democrats on the convention floor, are the thunder before the storm for Jews all over the world.

    That lack of respect for “Gran Torino” grouchy old white guys who suport now, in the past and in the future, the Jewish State and it’s capital JERUSALEM, here on this blog and running through the creative veins of Jews in Hollywood denies not just the efforts of those same folks who fought for the Jewish state, but indeed the Jews who fought and died to carve out a homeland in a hostile land.

    Israel belongs to the Jews.

    The capital if Israel is JERUSALEM.

    America should defend, not just with words, but bloody constraint, Israel and it’s people (See, I am not a Pat Buchanan clone.).

    Americans, should, in my opinion, be concerned about the astonishing liberal power weilded by politicians who have no connection or loyalty to an American Judeo Christian ethos and seek to destroy that same ethos.

    • harley says:

      chuckles (the clown)…..did you know that the wiesenthal center wantd
      romney to disown the mormon practice of baptising ‘DEAD” YES DEAD
      HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS during his stint. He has refused.
      This willard guy won’t get any jewish votes once people hear that…
      ..mormonism is conisdered a cult by evangelicals!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • harley says:

      oh…chuckles the clown…heres something to refute your point:
      jews are flocking to obama…of course they’ve always been his biggest
      another major disaster from rmoney

      It’s individuals and their entrepreneurship which have driven America,” Romney said. “What America is not a collective where we all work in a Kibbutz or we all in some little entity, instead it’s individuals pursuing their dreams and building successful enterprises which employ others and they become inspired as they see what has happened in the place they work and go off and start their own enterprises.”
      For a lot of American Jews, especially those who’ve had the chance to visit one themselves, the kibbutz is a special cultural touchstone. Though its origins date from before the Second World War, kibbutzim are a vibrant symbol of the pioneering, selfless spirit that allowed the state of Israel to rise from the ashes of the Holocaust. To attack the institution of the kibbutz is to attack something very close to the heart of many Jews.
      Why, it would almost be like criticizing, say, Mormon missions, I would think.

        • Lance the Intern says:

          Thought I’d cite your source, since you failed to do so. Although it’s evident just from the writing it’s a cut and paste job….You wouldn’t know a kibbutz if one fell on you.

          • harley says:

            actually lance…went to one when i was younger just outside tel aviv. Been to israel/egypt/
            worked on a kibbutz for 1 week….and as you
            guys know its socialism. everyone works for
            the community good.
            and lance….remember i continue to be correct.

  6. chuck says:

    Ok, I didn’t swear, but I can’t publish my comment.

    Screw it.

  7. chuck says:

    chuck says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    September 6, 2012 at 6:09 am

    Mike brings up a very good point, and I too want Glaze to answer the question relating to the salient anti-Israel sentiment that is now part and parcel (They hissed and swore like sailors on teh convention floor when the LA MAyor called for a voice vote on the acknowledgement of Jerusalem as the capital of Isreal.) of the Democratic Party conversation.


    Even long time party member Senator Chuck Schumer is gobsmacked by this development.


    Here are some of the comments from the Democratic delegates on the voice vote, which was OBVIOUSLY AGAINST the official acknowledgement of Jerusalem as the capital of Isreal.

    “”There was no discussion. We didn’t even see it coming. We were blindsided by it,” said Noor Ul-Hasan, a Muslim delegate from Salt Lake City, who questioned whether the convention had enough of a quorum to even amend the platform.

    “The majority spoke last night,” said Angela Urrea, a delegate from Roy, Utah. “We shouldn’t be declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.”

    Some will say this is a tempest in a tea cup, and, indeed it may be.

    My belief is that this extemporaneous reaction from the rank and file delegates to the Democratic Convention represents the actual politics of said members on the floor, who represent said members back home.

    Official pronouncements, pulled like teeth from the proverbial chicken, notwithstanding, the new Democratic Party has arrived.

    Juden ist verboten.

    Now there is a real Nazi Reference that holds real time water in the face of the attacks on Republicans which compare various and sundry Republicans to Goebbles and Eva Braun.


    Hollywood is run almost totally by Jews (Oops, is that racist too?). Self hating Jews like Harvey Weinstein (He is the worst.) and the pantheon of similar such wanna be clones who make decisions, movies and TV shows that glorify the destruction of the Judeo Christian concepts and ethos that made this country great, while selling down the river the folks who championed the Israeli cause for the last 75 years are beyond contempt.

    Those leaders of the current diaspora all over the world, with the notable American exceptions, must, in my opinion start spreading blood over their doors each night.

    The ever growing presence of the Salafist flag accompanying the “Arab Spring”, celebrated by Shia thugs in the Mideast and Europe, in combination with the lies (American Islamic Takia), propaganda and 5th column efforts of folks just like the Democrats on the convention floor, are the thunder before the storm for Jews all over the world.

    That lack of respect for “Gran Torino” grouchy old white guys who suport now, in the past and in the future, the Jewish State and it’s capital JERUSALEM, here on this blog and running through the creative veins of Jews in Hollywood denies not just the efforts of those same folks who fought for the Jewish state, but indeed the Jews who fought and died to carve out a homeland in a hostile land.

    Israel belongs to the Jews.

    The capital if Israel is JERUSALEM.

    America should defend, not just with words, but bloody constraint, Israel and it’s people (See, I am not a Pat Buchanan clone.).

    Americans, should, in my opinion, be concerned about the astonishing liberal power weilded by politicians who have no connection or loyalty to an American Judeo Christian ethos and seek to destroy that same ethos.

    • harley says:

      wow chuckie…you are so far from reality in everything you say and
      wrtie it’s almost scary. Seriously chuckie…you’re virtual reality is so
      out of wack with what’s happeningin the real world that you need
      to do some research….and not that kkk stuff you propose.
      You’re a hater….wow….not a greatbway to live your life!!!!!!

  8. chuck says:

    HC, maybe you could list the evil words that can not be said?

  9. mark smith says:

    You talk about the potus and first lady like you hang at Washington soirees together. You sound crazy, Travis Bickle crazy. (google it ) Newsflash for you Corky, your boy is one and done. In the words of bogart, or seacrest, the jig is up, people are figuring out somebody pissed in the punch. It’s over sport. Done. But let not your bitter heart be troubled, there is still hope for you to keep your ssi crazy allowance. Clearly you need it. Maybe if you write Barry a letter he will invite you to Marthas Vineyard, shoot some hoops, eat some peas, run around in shoes 1/2 size too small. Now go have mom fix you a nice bowl of tapioca, put your Obamajamas on and watch the speach…..and try not to fap the second he opens his pie hole.

    • chuck says:



      You lookin at me??

    • harley says:

      gain…no facts…no data to prove or even try to prove what you say.
      another fail comment.
      the problem with mitt is that the road to 270 votes is very very slim
      since they have pulled out of penn and michigan.
      I’m sure its a done deal tht afte the beating he’s taken from dems that
      he will pull out of ohio. then he’s cooked.
      I met barak in 2006. I met him when he was here in kc in oct. of
      2008. I have friends/business people i know who have worked for
      him. I have seen what he has doen despite a financial collapse and
      seen what the republicans have to offer.
      I’ve presented facts why he will be reelected. I have written pieces for
      other political sites that have gone into detail about this.
      So mr. smith..i do appreciate your comments although i wish you could
      propvide some details and facts to substantiate your position but like te
      others on here you have a very shallow and weak argument.
      When you and chuckie and wilson and mikey and super dave
      and the rest of the old angry white mans club stop hating and trying
      to destroy america give me a shout.
      You all are against the country…and as I said long before it became
      popular at the dem convention you DON’T BET NOR CHEER AGAINST

    • harley says:

      markey mark…you and mikey both probably need some assistance.
      one and done…are you sure of that? I doubt you really believe that.
      In fact you couldn’t be more wrong. when you get some brains
      get back with me…

  10. hardly says:

    winey man …….did you sea obamas speach twonite…..he has loc ked up th e nomnitation an wil be relected persnident…..youre man willard wil luse….mikey the mentul midget wil tell mee im write….so wil chuckles an smaryman an all the wrest of you lusers….HARDLY IS ALLW$AYS WR^ITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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