Glazer: Obama Still in Driver’s Seat Post Paul Ryan Pick

Romney takes a mate!

Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan is the picl. Is this a game changer? Will Mitt Romney gain some energy from this point forward?

Ryan is a 42 year old seven term congressman who once worked for Kansan Gov. Sam Brownback in the  Senate. He is a big idea guy who wants to cut taxes, downsize Medicare and other government health programs. He also wants social security reform.

The pros say the attack on President Barack Obama – that he’s not getting it done with the economy – is not working. This will be a new direction with Ryan – a how to fix the problems line of attack. Can it work? Well it gives Mitt a shot a winning Wisconsin anyway if that helps.

Still its the same old, same old.

Democrats say the Republicans want to take away people’s social security and medicare or downsize them further. This scares the crap out of older voters. So it may not be the best way to go at a time when people leaving the work force are getting ZERO interest on their CD’s and have nowhere safe to go to find an extra buck. If they think you’re going to up their medical bills and cut their social security, well, that’s unlikely to excite that group of voters.

To me it seems like we must return to what got us in trouble.

Open up credit lines, have banks make obtaining credit and getting loans easier than the current “we’ll give you money as long as you don’t need it” program.

We also need to have higher interest rates so Americans who have worked their entire lives to save money will be able to get some decent income off their CD’s and savings accounts to pay for their expenses as seniors.

Right now that’s gone.

If we loosen the credit up, housing will start to become decent again. But if your credit is not A +, buying a home is pretty tough right now.

And there’s a happy medium to this credit situation.

Ten years ago it was too loose, now it’s all but closed down. That’s the main reason nothing much works = people have no credit to speak of like they once did. They can’t borrow on their home equity for the most part and banks don’t want to loan money out with interest rates at near zero. If somebody can split the difference from what was and what is….bingo…the economy jumps up again.

Until that happens it looks like a slow boat to China for the average guy. No credit, no spending, slow economy. It’s simple really.

So will Paul Ryan move the chains for Mitt? Is he exciting?

Well just two months and a few days away from the next election that seems doubtful, but anything can happen.

Right now Obama is in the drivers seat…huge.
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39 Responses to Glazer: Obama Still in Driver’s Seat Post Paul Ryan Pick

  1. mike says:

    Obama will still be in trouble if all he does is run negative ads. He is the incumbent. If he can’t run on his record, he is in trouble. He has been in 3 1/2 years now and had a majority in the House for 2 of those and the senate for all of those. He owns this economy, like it or not. Blaming Bush for everything is wearing thin this far along. He has run up more debt than all previous presidents combined. The path we are on is not sustainable.

  2. smartman says:

    Where are the Woodside hottie stories you promised? My attorney, who is a member of Woodside said the owners asked you to stop or tone down the stories since people, not familiar with the club, were getting the perception that Woodside was a trading post for STD’s which was offending some of the blue bloods.

  3. smartman says:

    This is what you can look forward to with another 4 years of Obame/Biden

    EDITORIAL: The Civil War of 2016
    U.S. military officers are told to plan to fight Americans

    By THE WASHINGTON TIMES-The Washington Times Tuesday, August 7,

    Imagine Tea Party extremists seizing control of a South Carolina town and the Army being sent in to crush the rebellion. This farcical vision is now part of the discussion in professional military circles.

    At issue is an article in the respected Small Wars Journal titled “Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland: A ‘Vision’ of the Future.” It was written by retired Army Col. Kevin Benson of the Army’s University of Foreign Military and Cultural Studies at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., and Jennifer Weber, a Civil War expert at the University of Kansas. It posits an “extremist militia motivated by the goals of the ‘tea party’ movement” seizing control of Darlington, S.C., in 2016, “occupying City Hall, disbanding the city council and placing the mayor under house arrest.” The rebels set up checkpoints on Interstate 95 and Interstate 20 looking for illegal aliens. It’s a cartoonish and needlessly provocative scenario.

    The article is a choppy patchwork of doctrinal jargon and liberal nightmare. The authors make a quasi-legal case for military action and then apply the Army’s Operating Concept 2016-2028 to the situation. They write bloodlessly that “once it is put into play, Americans will expect the military to execute without pause and as professionally as if it were acting overseas.” They claim that “the Army cannot disappoint the American people, especially in such a moment,” not pausing to consider that using such efficient, deadly force against U.S. citizens would create a monumental political backlash and severely erode government legitimacy.

    The vision is hard to take seriously. As retired ArmyBrig. Gen. Russell D. Howard, a former professor at West Point, observed earlier in his career, “I am a colonel, colonels write a lot of crazy stuff, but no one listens to colonels, so I don’t see the problem.” Twenty years ago, then-Air Force Lt. Col. Charles J. Dunlap Jr. created a stir with an article in Parameters titled “The Origins of the American Military Coup of 2012.” It carried a disclaimer that the coup scenario was “purely a literary device intended to dramatize my concern over certain contemporary developments affecting the armed forces, and is emphatically not a prediction.”

    The scenario presented in Small Wars Journal isn’t a literary device but an operational lay-down intended to present the rationale and mechanisms for Americans to fight Americans. Col. Benson and Ms. Weber contend, “Army officers are professionally obligated to consider the conduct of operations on U.S. soil.” This is a dark, pessimistic and wrongheaded view of what military leaders should spend their time studying.

    A professor at the Joint Forces Staff College was relieved of duty in June for uttering the heresy that the United States is at war with Islam. The Obama administration contended the professor had to be relieved because what he was teaching was not U.S. policy. Because there is no disclaimer attached to the Small Wars piece, it is fair to ask, at least in Col. Benson’s case, whether his views reflect official policy regarding the use of U.S. military force against American citizens.

    The Washington Times

    UPDATE: The standard Defense Department disclaimer was added to the article after The Washington Times drew attention to the omission.
    © Copyright 2012 The Washington Times, LLC. Click here for reprint permission.

  4. harley says:

    smartman is really getting fucking paranoid now!!! He’s off the rail on this one.
    get ready for civil war? Who? All the over the hill angry old white men who
    can’t get out of the recliner except to eat and change the remote revolting when
    they’re running to the john every 15 minutes…
    give me a break smarmyman!
    tHE WASHINGTON TIMES? The paper that’s one step above World NEWS?
    Smarmyman has been sniffing that cleaning fluid he uses to clean those
    disgusting old disease filled and filthy feces covered hot tubs he hustles
    on craigslist? That’s what iscausing him to be so over the top with those
    outlandish ideas. I saw an ad for Mickeys surplus on t v and thought that
    was smarmyman pushing end of the world rte’s for when eveything goes
    haywire on dece.ber 20!!!!!
    Shit smarmyman…you’ve only got a few months to hustle your tubs before
    the mayan calendar ends…better step up the cleaning and selling before the
    world ends…..wanna get those last hot tubs sold before the world shoots craps!!!!!
    As far as ryan…my sources tell me this will not only kill willard but also the
    republicans in the house and senate. This looney tune (he’s got a great record
    in the house …2 BILLS IN 14 YEARS!!!!!) has got more baggage than a
    greyhound truck. Cutv 11 billion from VA? Are you serious. Change medicare
    to a coupon (what insurance company will insure a 68 year old grandma ?)…
    put social security in the wall street hands (that sure would have been great in
    2008)….we’re talking obama landslide at this point….330-350 electoral votes.
    For the next 2 weeks obama takes out ryan and romney with this budget plan
    that eliminates pell grants (that should do well with the 18-25 year old voeters)…
    its just plain stupid………its become a joke…obama biden 2012….please..
    you’re making me keel over from laughing.
    This site has become a right wing carnival extravaganza…even mikey
    need to be educated on the facts….

  5. harley says:

    but smarmyman…i give credit where credit is due…i did laugh at your
    woodside comments….very creative.
    glaze…hows that woodside village developement going…is it going to
    happen and when?

  6. harley says:

    glaze…with a 620 score you can buy a house…theres programs that require
    no money down…ag mortgages…10-20% down…..the reslae market for
    homes under $250k is hot hot hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111
    refi’s are hotter than ever….with the rates as low as they are everyone’s trying to
    refinancing ….saving big money.

  7. smartman says:

    And look at what GE Capital is doing for GM with sub-prime auto loans and leases. Hmmm….sub prime….where did I near that before? A little payback to, as Spike Lee calls him, Black Jesus, for not paying too much attention to GE moving jobs overseas and not paying any corporate income tax. Jeff Immelt is playing half blackbarry like a virtuoso.

    Gonna be lots of repo’ed Caddy’s and Caddy’s coming off lease that will have to be moved for cents on the dollar killing any margin Government Motors would have made. But that’s OK, we taxpayers own the damn company anyway? Gave them 49.5 BILLION, they said they paid it back, which is BULLSHIT. GM has only paid back about 6.9 BILLION. Stock is in the tank. Can’t give away Chevy Volts. Yet GM and the FUCKING ARMY/NATIONAL GUARD still piss away MILLIONS on NASCAR sponsorships. GM is gonna make Solyndra look like a great investment.

    You libs want more money for social justice programs? Stop pissing it ways on useless wind and solar power investments and corporate sponsorships. Stop sucking the dicks of the UAW and let them dig themselves out of the hole they created by building shitty cars and ponzi scheme pension and benefit programs. Black Jesus is starting to make Hugo Chavez look like John D. Rockefeller.

    • the dude says:

      I see subsidies for alternate, renewable energy when implemented properly (key word) way better than subsidies for oil, gas, farming, banking.

  8. Chuck says:

    @ Harley.

    I think your guy is in trouble. He is a very polarizing President.

    Before ANY the evidence is collated in the Zimmerman case, where a man is on trial for his life, the President of the United States poisens the jury pool in a desultory effort to energise his base. That mistep, “If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon.”, notified the white middle class, that indeed, contrary to what the President said last week, “I am not just the President of Black America.”, was total bullshit. Indeed, the polls show a dramatic decline in support of the sitting President.

    Obama’s team, no doubt engaged in their own polls, felt it necessary for the President to defend himself accordingly, from an accusation that was unspoken to this point.

    Obama’s appointment of Eric Holder to the position of Attorney General served notice at the time, and leaves NO doubt now, that in fact, President Obama IS the President of African Americans first, with an oblique nod to the white union workers.

    President Obama had better flesh out and enlarge those Bain Capital peccadillos poste haste, the clock is ticking.

    I think you and Glaze are off by 2% come election day.

    At Democratic Naitonal Headquarters, a cacophonous alarm, culminating in a crescendo that announces the return of white boys, to the white house.

  9. Chuck says:

    Really? Moderation?

  10. Craig Glazer says:

    Harley thats true in a way, still not moving the economy much, still hard to qualify for any house loan, it can be done as you said…but the masses need an easier way…more expensive homes are very hard to get with a moderate score…and putting 10-20 per cent down sometimes is tough for people on homes of say 400 or more…5% might work, and a little more fair on the rest…but credit cards need to be more out there, interest on CD’s has to exist, so on…to move this monster, you know that..right now its kinda stuck…lets face it people are not all going to be able to make it happen on an averge income, or less, so WE have to help them…dig…

  11. Craig Glazer says:

    Big news at Woodside, BRADY QUINN has been there lifting hanging out…big guy, very handsome, the girls like him even if they don’t know who he is..I think he is now a member.

  12. Chuck says:

    @ Harley.

    I think your guy is in trouble. He is a very polarizing President.

    Before ANY the evidence is collated in the Zimmerman case, where a man is on trial for his life, the President of the United States poisens the jury pool in a desultory effort to energise his base. That mistep, “If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon.”, notified the white middle class, that indeed, contrary to what the President said last week, “I am not just the President of Black America.”, was totaly specious. Indeed, the polls show a dramatic decline in support of the sitting President.

    Obama’s team, no doubt engaged in their own polls, felt it necessary for the President to defend himself accordingly, from an accusation that was unspoken to this point.

    Obama’s appointment of Eric Holder to the position of Attorney General served notice at the time, and leaves NO doubt now, that in fact, President Obama IS the President of African Americans first, with an oblique nod to the white union workers.

    President Obama had better flesh out and enlarge those Bain Capital peccadillos poste haste, the clock is ticking.

    I think you and Glaze are off by 2% come election day.

    At Democratic Naitonal Headquarters, a cacophonous alarm, culminating in a crescendo that announces the return of white boys, to the white house.

    • mike says:

      The irony of it is that many people thought electing him would unite the country and racism would be in the past. He was almost thought of as a messiah by some. As you pointed out, he has in practice actually caused a greater racial divide than ever. The constant class warfare rhetoric and Eric Holder’s selective enforcement of laws have both been very divisive. People forget that he had almost half of the white vote in 2008 and still needs around that much to get elected again.

  13. harley says:

    sorry chuck…ryan killed romney…he took the old white vote that republians
    get at a 63% clip and sent it to obama. You don’t mess with medicare and by
    10am monday everyone in america will konow the romney/ryan plan calls for
    using a coupon to get seniors insurance.
    The numbers don’t work chuck…and with ryan romney concedes the minority
    vote..and every republican consultant says if romeny doesn’t get at least
    40% of hispanic vote he and no republican can win.
    i got headlines from florida newspapers and thoe headlines were about as bad
    as you can get this morning…forget flrodia mitt.
    Plus the tax return issue returns next week with son of boss and romenys
    tax scam…and sources tell me the romneys are about to be tied into
    an 8 billion dollar ponzi scheme….that should do it.
    Rmoney is dead in the water…this selection takes the eelection from a
    referendum on obama to a contest on what the nation needs in terms of
    but romeny had to throw a hail mary …..he’s slipping and his negative
    personality numbers are just horrible. and the two of them make
    romney look like he’s an old tired man without any energy.
    I don’t knwo what polls you see…but i get the latest polling including fox
    news(yes fox news) last frdiay showing obama plus 9 nationally…his support is going
    up….and his electoral count proves theres no way for mitt to get enough
    electoral votes to even come close
    noone cares about the trayvon case…its back page news now…
    and with ryan and the pummelling he and romney will take for the next
    2 weeks (about 15 million in media buys) its hared for them to recover…
    romneys too far gone…sorry…
    and the bestof bain commercials are still on the shelf waiting til september…
    “stage” will blow it open….stay tuned…
    keep talking about a revolution and kiling and arming for the revolt.
    its that you’re paranoid and smelling those cleaning solutions with smarmyman.

    • mike says:

      On the news today, Rasmussen and Gallup both had them even. Obama has been running a huge amount of negative ads. Romney has run less ads even though he has more money. When Romney starts running his ads more frequently, it is going to hurt Obama as he is vulnerable to attack in many areas.

      • harley says:

        mikey…rasumussen is a republican poll…go to nate silver
        or go to…..
        the most reliabe are wsj and of course your bible fox
        new poll…
        and as i said the polls that are most accurate takei not
        account the state by state runs…
        i’ll keep you informed
        you said racism would be in the past…have you read
        smarmyman and chuckies posts…the most blatant disgusting
        racist rants ….come on…th34 old white angy bald low lifes
        hate obama because he’s black…no other reason.
        The old w3hite angry guys are history…their days are
        numbered….the demos are changing…..and they just
        can’t handle it.
        asi said guys…the world is changing and you’ll be on the outside
        looking in. Its just whats happening…get used to it…
        you can’t stop the train.

        • mike says:

          Some of the polls also lean to the left. Many of them had the Scott Walker recall in Wisconsin showing a dead heat or even having him losing. Look how that turned out. Walker won big.

      • harley says:

        mikey….ithink those are both daily tracking polls and
        are usually late to indicate trends and see major shifts…
        i wnt to be usre on that but they usually lag other pols…
        will get back with oyou on that.

    • Chuck says:

      “…keep talking about a revolution and kiling and arming for the revolt.
      its that you’re paranoid and smelling those cleaning solutions with smarmyman.”

      I nominate smarty for the captain of this ruined band. We’ve said our prayers, and wait for death.

      • smartman says:

        I’m not paranoid. I’m prepared. I’ve even got morphine, cb/ shortwave radio, diesel generator, all the goodies.

        The DOD already has a position paper and operational manuals on how they will handle the planned civil unrest among what they describe as right wing fringe groups that WILL occur if Obama is re-elected. If you own a gun, have attended a Tea Party rally, donated to a Tea Party organization or candidate, or maybe even to Ron Paul, you are considered part of the right wing fringe.

        When US troops start arresting or killing US citizens on US soil the shit is gonna hit the fan. Tiananmen Square, Ruby Ridge and Waco right in our own backyard. Hell, that might even be enough to save CNN from going under. They do a damn fine job of covering war.

        Unlike China, the largest army in the world is comprised of armed US citizens. Will US Army soldiers and National Guard troops kill their fellow citizens or will the Joint Chiefs of Staff tell the administration that it’s time to pack their bags?

        Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, Newsmax and WND haven’t been making this shit up. Why do you think Beck moved to Texas? It’s the safest state to be in when shit hits the fan. And who would one of the first people be that the Obama administration would want to arrest? Beck may be crazy but he is not stupid.

        Regardless of your beliefs you need to be prepared to defend your home and family. You should have on hand at least 60 days worth of food, water and medications. A couple grand in singles won’t hurt either. You can always use them at the Paradise Saloon in Lawrence.

        Gun and rifle sales have gone through the roof since Obama was elected. Sales of ammo are at an all time high. Purchases of storable food/MRE’s have increased by 500% year over year since Obama was elected. These are not coincidences. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

        • Chuck says:

          Smarty, thats a quote from Will’s French Herald in Henry the 5th prior to the French charge at Agincourt.

          The French, no doubt prayed mightily in the mud, in short order.

  14. smartman says:

    Like Bill Clinton and John Edwards, Obama likes fucking….not women….just hardworking Americans of every color who believe in the power of knowledge, hard work, discipline, honor, code, personal responsibility, integrity, God and country.

    Polls don’t mean shit. Most non-black democrats that are polled say they are going to vote for Obama when they have no intention of doing so. There is a rampant fear among white males, particularly those in trade unions, that if they answer incorrectly when polled their bosses at the SEIU, UAW, Teamsters, IBEW, NEA, AFL-CIO, etc will find out and their future employment will be jeopardized.

    Obama’s base in the democrat party is single women for whom government has become a surrogate sugar daddy. Women too dumb to take care of themselves, welfare queens who spit out babies with a different baby daddy every year that take pride in gaming the system. And right behind them are the men who treat them like the whores they are who have no intention of being a real father until Jaquan X gets drafted in the NBA or NFL.

  15. Chuck says:


    While I don’t believe their are any great numbers of we racist swine queuing up for Harley’s pearls, I think a little clarification is in order.

    From Harley;

    “i’ll keep you informed
    you said racism would be in the past…have you read
    smarmyman and chuckies posts…the most blatant disgusting
    racist rants ….come on…th34 old white angy bald low lifes
    hate obama because he’s black…no other reason.
    The old w3hite angry guys are history…their days are
    numbered….the demos are changing…..and they just
    can’t handle it.”

    The insulting “racists rants” are, of course Harley’s subjective opinion, based on his ability to read minds. His claim that I hate Obama (Even though my family voted for the man.) because he is black, is countered by my first person account of my admiration of Allen West, Colin Powell et al, but don’t let that stand in the way of Harley’s conclusions based on his fleeting and diaphanous abiltiy to parse complex variables and apply them in a real time world.

    “…The old w3hite angry guys are history.”

    I am going to give Harley, kcconfidential’s self proclaimed vox populi the benefit of the doubt, and assume that what he meant to say was, “These old white guys know their history.”

    Thanks Harley.

    The third accusation, is, I am afraid, true, and I am guitly as charged (I can’t speak for smartman.)

    I am indeed, old (30 years older than 32, Harley.) bald, and lets come clean, fat.

    For those sins, and those sins only, do I, an accused “racist low life” throw myself at mercy of the court.

    • mike says:

      A White guy opposing Obama based on his record and policies is no more racist than a black guy opposing Romney for the same. I happen to think Obama is taking us in the wrong direction and will vote against him for that reason.

    • smartman says:

      All I wanna get to is the kumbaya moment when we can truly judge people by the content of their character and not the color of their skin. Unfortunately, we are still light years away. Until that time comes I will keep pimping the facts that the black community has lots of work to do on their end until we can meet in the middle and join hands. Until that becomes the status quo position instead of political correctness and calls for spending more money we’re fucked.

  16. Craig Glazer says:

    Chuck has a point… whites are not crazy about our black brothers these days…racism is high with the crime rate up, economy down, and name black stars in NFL/NBA/Hollywood…bad acts daily…. though Obama is more of a white guy, the only thing that could sink him is racism and the “we gave him a shot” from some white voters, that don’t feel he’s been that great and oh by the way he is black….only way he can now lose is that way….. otherwise its over… so thats the one real issue, will the same whites revote for Obama? Maybe NOT….

    • mike says:

      He did get almost half of the white vote, probably more than some of the other democratic presidential candidates, because many thought it would have a healing effect on our nation. He has done just the opposite. Don’t think that the disappointment of that will be forgotton on election day.

    • smartman says:

      The same blacks aren’t going to vote for Obama again. Whether the reasons be economic, social or spiritual he will not hold all of his votes. The selection of Paul Ryan has energized the Evangelicals who were threatening to sit out the election due to their belief that Romney is a Mormon Devil. The MSM will never report the true story of what the country is thinking or feeling about the election. They’ve been in the tank for Obama for well over 5 years and they aren’t going to change now.

      • mike says:

        Even if 98% of the blacks voted for Obama again, that is not enough to give him a victory. He needs to get a large majority of the hispanic votes and almost half of the white votes. If the white people vote for him at less than 40%, he has little chance to win no matter what.

    • harley says:

      sorry glaze…stick to pussy…woodside…hot black chicks…comedy clubs…
      cartoons….hearne…you know those things well.
      The demographics are such that race is not going to be an issue.
      Unless you talk about voting…then the blacks and hispanics reelect
      women are overwhelmingly voting for obama…romney ryan plan
      outlaws vitro infertilization and some birth control forms.
      single females (a huge voting block) voting overwhelmingly for
      seniors…when they hear that romney/ryan plan gives old seniors
      coupons to go buy health insurance (no private insurance comapny
      will insure seniors….the actuarial risk and costs are way too high)…
      will vote for obama …probably 50/50 especially in florida which
      romney has to win.

      This race stuff you pull out is old. Old. Like the old white male vote
      that are leaving willard because of his soon to be outed stance
      on medicare/social security.
      read the polls…you guys areb getting old with your comments….
      when fox says obama up by 9…you know its bad news..
      polls will tighten up but romneys amatuer staff is competing with the
      top political staffs in american election history…they have been on
      spot for 7 years….rmoney/ryan is a loser…………..sorry.

  17. Chuck says:

    Obama, Alicia Keyes, Halle Berry, the list goes on and on. Folks who are born half black and half white identify with the black fathers who LEFT them, not with the white mothers who raised them.

    Street cred with Hollywood, the MSM, Capital Hill, the Fed Govt. the 4th Estate, is enhanced dramtically by association and identification with Black culture, not White culture in my opinion.

    Those same entities, Hollywood, the MSM, Capital Hill, the Fed Govt. the 4th Estate, have, with intent, disparaged, disgraced and when possible destroyed by way of revisionist history lies, social engineering laws, executive fiat and intimidation, the true legacy of achievement attained by American Judeo Christians of European heritage over the last 300 years. It’s whats for dinner, breakfast and lunch every day, every week, every month and year 24/7 on the television in your living room and the newspaper in your driveway.

    Those who live out of your wallet, continue to assign you guilt for ex post facto crimes committed long ago, the payment for those crimes is YOUr money, freedom and ability to succeed and protect your family.

    Affirmative Action, the removal of money and power from one group, then given to another group, for sins committed against a third group (Long dead), by still a 4th group (Also long dead).

    Has ANYONE EVER heard a politician say, “OK, after Trillions of Dollars over the last 60 years, the free money, aid, handouts, EBT, SNAP et al will come to an end (______), pick a date, just tell America when the bleeding stops.

    It will never stop, because there are now 3 generations of an ever growing “Protected Class” (Which by the way, is attained by immigrants of color, and moves them accordingly to the top of the list for employment, government programs, et al as soon as they step off of the boat.) who, from cradle to grave have relied on the good offices of Government hand outs, sponsored by a decreasing number of tax paying electorate who in turn, are hated and despised by the recipients of their largesse.


  18. the dude says:

    You guys are all wasting your breath and typing skills. The Bildbergers and fourth reichers have their man already in place to assume the puppet role and like Bushy said they ain’t gonna change that horse midstream.

    You clowns are under the impression that elections and your vote actually mean anything. Once the voting systems (VIA DIEBOLD) went electronic without paper backup voting means NOTHING, a few keystrokes on some computers is all it takes these days to win the puppet position.

    Four more years of Obummer kiddies, get used to it.

  19. rick says:

    President Obama will win the election handily. Ryan is a walking nightmare. He voted for no abortions even in the case of rape! Any woman with any self-esteem should seriously have their head examined for even considering voting for this madman. While Obama has not had a perfect presidency, he did stop a depression from happening which was started by folks like Romney. We all know Romney is hiding something and will not release his tax records likely because he will be discovered as being a criminal. There is no choice. Obama or the end of this country as we know it.

  20. rick says:

    By the way Mike, did you pass any math classes?

  21. rick says:

    And, again, by the way Mike, you are clearly racist in your choice of language. There will be approximately 30 to 40 percent of the racists who will cast their votes for Romney. Can you imagine how far ahead President Obama would be if were not of African American ancestry? He has kept this country from a depression, established a health care plan that does not discriminate against pre-existing conditions, found the number one terrorist in the world and terminated him, and is respected by other countries throughout the world (unlike the idiot Bush). The only reason that this race is even fairly close (and it isn’t even you look at the electoral college) is racists like Mike who create falsehoods and then swear their little lives by them. Dear God I can not wait until November and we silence you once again!

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