Chuck: Holy Smokes Batman, Maybe We Should Protect Ourselves

“We prohibit under anathema that murderous art of crossbowmen, which is hated by God, to be employed against Christians and Catholics from now on.”

So it was, that in April of 1139, at the 2nd Lateran Council, Pope Innocent the II banned the Crossbow.  The armor piercing effects of this weapon gave way to the more devastating Longbow, which in turn was banned as a battlefield weapon by the Magna Carta in 1215.

The ecclesiastical efficacy of these bans from such holy quarters were sorely tested by Edward, the Black Prince at Crecy and Henry the 5th, The Scourge of God, at Agincourt.  Laboring under no misconceptions of the strength of their foes, they employed these weapons in their efforts and won the day for God, King and St. George.

The latest mass shooting in Aurora, Colorado, will trigger an expected wailing and gnashing of teeth from disingenuous politicians, media talking heads and Hollywood gadflies all eager to cement their power, authority and wallets at the expense of still more American freedoms. By way of desultory straw man arguments designed to fill the current vacuum in the Culture War.  The passage of Gun Control Laws would criminalize the ever increasing population of citizens we already penalize with unenforceable social engineering legislation stemming from The War On Drugs.

Are you safe in the President’s home town of Chicago? 

Every single weekend there the casualty list of wounded and dead approach and surpass the anomaly that was Aurora.  Should concerned and law abiding citizens turn in their guns, in hopes that Crips, MS13, and Hells Angels will disarm and find Jesus?

Second City Cop doesn’t think so and he should know – he’s a cop in Chicago.

Arms control, writ large (see Nuclear Proliferation treaties) or small (there are 270 million guns in the US) is NEVER a Zero Sum Effort.  Production is unceasing and incessant.

Criminals, by definition have already answered the Federal, State and Local request to turn in their firearms.  The existentially resounding answer, coupled with the laughter up their sleeves, is “Fuck No, I ain’t bringing my gat in to the Po Po!!”

Given the ubiquity of ordnance and the variables aforementioned, there is a straight line reference from the dead and wounded in Aurora to the individual independence and power that is guaranteed by our Constitution to exist as a free and unfettered citizen in this country.

The argument for Gun Control is less about speaking for the dead, than the accumulation of political power on the Liberal Left. 

The liberal narrative – a self inflicted American Takia – has us all ensconced safely in the suburbs, mouthing platitudes, talking points and singing Kumbaya while on the front lines of the culture war, walls that were built, manned and bought with blood by our fathers and grandfathers, crumble in the face of an American malaise brought on by the easy life and high times. The ones those same fathers and grandfathers fought and died for.

Law enforcement on the Federal, state and local level are now, reduced by political correctness, less and less effective every day.  Demographic changes in America, initiated by those same Federal, state and local authorities, will continue to put you and your family at the risk of the ever increasing violence you see every day.

On February 14, 1929, the St. Valentines Day Massacre made news all over the world, but now it’s a quiet weekend in Chicago.
Simon Wiesenthal once said, “If someone says they want to kill you, you should believe them.”  By January of 1943, the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto sure believed it.  With some small arms, sticks, stones and guts, they held off German tanks for a month.  They needed guns.  Most governments are, or will go bad, Mr. Hitler.  The power of the people, is grounded in their individual ability to defend themselves.  That right of nature and man, to fight and oppose oppressors.
I personally have great respect for guns.

I was a gunner in the armed services from 1969 to 1973.  Guns are by design, dangerous, but much needed tools for a Democratic society.

It just could be, that in the final analysis, it’s guns that keep us free, not good intentions.

Chuck Lowe
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12 Responses to Chuck: Holy Smokes Batman, Maybe We Should Protect Ourselves

  1. smartman says:

    If it were whites instead of blacks killing each other in Chicago the MSM would be encamped there much as they are now in Aurora. Whenever a white person fucks up the MSM turns cartwheels…see Totmom, Casey Anthony, Baby Lisa and John Edwards. Any idea how many black children are lost literally and figuratively on a daily basis in this country? DOZENS! Thank God for the NBA and NFL. At least that gives some baby mammas a forwarding address.

    Since it’s Negro gang bangers from half black Barry’s hometown the shit gets a pass. And you KNOW that Rahm Emanuel is just dropping non Kosher f-bombs and n-words all over City Hall wanting to turn Chicagos finest loose on these fuckers but can’t because of the racist backlash he’ll get from the “community”. Notice the absence of info about Jesse Jackson Jr? If it were John Boehner or Paul Ryan locked up in rehab Dr. Phil would have a nightly gig on MSNBC. There are two America’s all right, black and white, with media coverage to match.

    I digress. Holy shit did I digress. My bad?

    Gun control begins with the gun owner, not the government. Notice how none of these shoot ’em up bang bang terrorists are NRA members? If law enforcement from the Feds down to the beat cops would just enforce ALL the laws currently on the books gun violence in the US would be reduced by 50%, or more. BUT NOOOOO! Eric Holder and half black Barry won’t have any of that since the “community” would be disproportionately effected. Gonna need to build more prisons. There’s a shovel ready job that could use some Solyndra solar panels.

    • Orphan of the Road says:

      The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule.
      H. L. Mencken

      Guns are a machine, just like a car. They can cause immense pain and suffering when used carelessly.

      We have cut spending on mental health and we have made specialized weapons readily available. No surprise these things still happen.

      A serious discussion without platitudes and excess emotion is necessary. Not just on guns but many other things.

  2. hayesinkc says:

    Your penmanship shines again Chuck! Your argument is convincing, nonetheless I walk the fine lines of gun ownership and the laws that govern our land. I grew up in a home with guns and was taught at a very young age the respect you show firearms. Never once did I, my brother, or any of my cousins feel compelled to “take out” our neighborhood, friends, or family. I knew where every gun was at in my house and my Grandparents on both sides! Never did I disrespect this knowledge. But, I grew up in a family that had compassion, and a sense of family and community. I know we live in a different time and place now, and that not everyone was as lucky as I, to have had such a great family and extended family! If I had even tried to be unruly and out of control one of my parents or extended family would have put a stop to it before it ever took foothold , and probably given me a good old fashioned “talk-in to”! I agree that if Brian down the street is jealous of Jim and take Jim’s life over a stupid car or pair of shoes Brian needs to go to prison and “face the music”, this guy in CO needs to “face the music” quickly no 20 years of dragging it out! He needs his day in court, that is his constitutional right, but I think we all know this was premeditated murder and I leave it in the judge & juries hands! Peace Ramona

  3. smartman says:

    smartman says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    July 22, 2012 at 12:38 am
    If it were whites instead of blacks killing each other in Chicago the MSM would be encamped there much as they are now in Aurora. Whenever a white person fucks up the MSM turns cartwheels…see Totmom, Casey Anthony, Baby Lisa and John Edwards. Any idea how many black children are lost literally and figuratively on a daily basis in this country? DOZENS! Thank God for the NBA and NFL. At least that gives some baby mammas a forwarding address.

    Since it’s Negro gang bangers from half black Barry’s hometown the shit gets a pass. And you KNOW that Rahm Emanuel is just dropping non Kosher f-bombs and n-words all over City Hall wanting to turn Chicagos finest loose on these fuckers but can’t because of the racist backlash he’ll get from the “community”. Notice the absence of info about Jesse Jackson Jr? If it were John Boehner or Paul Ryan locked up in rehab Dr. Phil would have a nightly gig on MSNBC. There are two America’s all right, black and white, with media coverage to match.

    I digress. Holy shit did I digress. My bad?

    Gun control begins with the gun owner, not the government. Notice how none of these shoot ‘em up bang bang terrorists are NRA members? If law enforcement from the Feds down to the beat cops would just enforce ALL the laws currently on the books gun violence in the US would be reduced by 50%, or more. BUT NOOOOO! Eric Holder and half black Barry won’t have any of that since the “community” would be disproportionately effected. Gonna need to build more prisons. There’s a shovel ready job that could use some Solyndra solar panels.

  4. jbc says:

    less gun control, more nut control. great article chuck! now we will be forced to endure another meaningless debate by our “leaders” as they gain political capital and denounce the rights of law abiding citizens. the guy could have exploded a anthrax pipe bomb and we could be seeing kneejerk legislation to control hardware supply stores sales of plumbing supplies. 600 people have been killed since the assault weapons ban expired. how many people have successfully defended themselves? i rarely agree with conservatives but totally endorse charlton heston’s famous quote.

  5. rkcal says:

    The gun lobbies have a complete stranglehold on Washington. No politician dares go up against them. There is no credible threat to the 2nd Amendment imminent. The world didn’t end when a President with a darker complexion and a funny name got elected. He’s to the right of Ronald Reagan in his policies. But why let reality get in the way of our fantasy world? So clean your guns, stockpile your ammo, and pine for the coming racial war, revolution against the socialist government or whatever nut job fantasy floats your boat.

    • smartman says:

      It’s not gonna be a racial war. It’s going to be an ideological war, right versus left. Plenty of lefty crackers blood will be watering the tree of liberty. Now we’ll keep Tavis Smiley, Cornell West and Louis Farakahn around because they do contribute to the larger ideological racial debate and do so with some eloquence and common sense. Jesse, Al, Charlie, Maxine, Manny and their following of Government cheese rats, they’re gonna have some splainin’ to do. This is America, not Mexico or Uganda. You can, (will) , assimilate into the larger culture of Judeo Christian morals and values while still being respectful of your heritage.

      • rkcal says:

        The milk of Judeo-Christian morals and values just flow from your posts, Smartman. We do have an idealogical war going on; it’s called democracy. Unlike Mexico or Uganda, blood doesn’t flow- that’s what makes us “special”… you know, that resolving are differences peaceably thang. What you advocate more or less turns us into the banana republics you despise.

        • smartman says:

          To quote Carol King, ” too late baby now it’s too late, though we really did try to make it, something inside has died and I can’t hide and I just can’t fake it.” Money, diplomacy and the Great Society programs have FAILED. Too far gone for repair. Time to tear it down and start over. This country can’t function properly with a 50/50 ideological split. Time to shoot, literally, for that 75/25 margin, where the opposition is more or less entertaining and not functioning as a viable part of the legislative or judicial process.

      • chuck says:

        “This is America, not Mexico or Uganda. You can, (will) , assimilate into the larger culture of Judeo Christian morals and values while still being respectful of your heritage.”


  6. kcsmoker says:

    While there are certainly many quotes to cite regarding this “debate” I have 2 favorites: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” and “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”.

    While most of the “progressive/liberals” like to argue on the basis of how they feel, I prefer to deal with the facts. Even though there are “lies,damn lies, and statistics” that can generally be skewed to fit any argument, the one the left can not get around is where CCW or similar laws have passed violent crimes have decreased substantially. When incidents such as the CO shootings occur, the battle cry of the left goes out to play on their constituents’ feelings and raise the outrage. Certainly this will be no different.

    As Chuck has so poignantly pointed out, history shows us that when governments pass laws there are ALWAYS people ready to break them. While it is probably certain these were passed with good intentions, “the road to Hell is paved with good intentions”. In today’s world the gun control debate is no different. Criminals and psychotics alike could care less about the rules. For us law abiding folk who wish to insure our domestic tranquility and provide for our common defense, any revocation or limitation of our second amendment right is seen as a threat for good cause. We are not out on some vigilante mission to rid the streets of criminals. We just don’t like bringing a good right hook to a gunfight.

    Just last week a police car pulled up in front of my neighbors house and I poked my head out the front door to see what was going on. I was informed he was responding to an alarm call, arrived to find the front door ajar, and was awaiting back up before they went in. I immediately put my holster on, and approached the waiting officer with my CCW permit in hand. I informed him I did not wish to breach and clear with him, but asked if he would like someone else to wait with until his backup arrived. He said he could not legally ask me to do that but if I was inclined to take a strategic position behind a tree it would certainly make him feel more comfortable. As it turns out, her house was simply not secured and the front door must have blown open. After they secured the house the first responding officer thanked me for waiting and told me it made him feel a lot safer knowing I was there. The reason I share this story is not to inflate my own bravado, but to demonstrate that even trained professionals appreciate us law abiding folk who are willing and able to help.

    Had someone in the audience of that theater been carrying most certainly the outcome would have been different. I’m sure there would have been casualties. However if that psycho had someone returning fire on him, there most certainly would have been fewer innocents lost. This point unfortunately will be missed, omitted, and spun off as the media coverage spins off in to the land of rainbows and unicorns.

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