Starbeams: Queen to Shawnee Mission, Sleepy Water Workers, Taliban in Prairie Village &

The Shawnee Mission West band was invited by the Queen of England to perform for the New Year’s Parade in London. Not gonna happen. Thanks to redistricting London is now part of Shawnee Mission East.

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2 Responses to Starbeams: Queen to Shawnee Mission, Sleepy Water Workers, Taliban in Prairie Village &

  1. Anonymous says:

    Kelly Urich’s formula: Exact quote from other news source + lame one liner that everyone is already thinking = unexplainable existence on this otherwise intriguing blog.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Kinda funny.

    “Promoted to radio station management.”

    Plus, I know for a fact, she hates Whitlock.

    Heh heh…

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