Jack Goes Confidential: ‘Captain Marvel’ Builds Bridge To Bigger Things


Let’s compare.

Both films break the glass ceiling as first female leads in a superhero movie.

In 2017 Gal Gadot did it for Warner’s DC franchise and now Brie Larson performs it for Disney’s Marvel empire.

Who came out ahead?

Tough call, but for me it’s WONDER WOMAN.

I’ve heard it said that CAPTAIN MARVEL is basically just a trailer for the upcoming AVENGERS: ENDGAME blockbuster that opens on April 26.

But that’s an unfair description of this 21st film in the Marvel cinematic universe and positioned to become the first MAJOR blockbuster of 2019. It’s anticipated box office haul being in excess of $150 million in domestic ticket sales.

Pretty hefty, I’d say.

So what do we have here?

How about Brie Larson as Carol Danvers transforming into Captain Marvel, an unstoppable force after earth—a.k.a. ‘C-53’—is caught in the center of a galactic conflict between two alien-nations.  (I think).

It’s also basically an origin story taking us back to the cliffhanger-ending of INFINITY WAR-–then building up steam to the film’s rousing final act leading straight to AVENGERS: ENDGAME. And it’s done in blatant fashion.

I’m not telling HOW but my hint is that it happens about halfway through the end-credits.

There are some nice surprises (especially for fans) throughout this retro adventure which we’ve been asked not to reveal.

Suffice it to say that many of them come courtesy of a CAT. Yes, a kitty cat that almost steals the show.

And there was applause at the beginning of our screening. That because of a special Marvel Studios’ logo dedicated to the memory of the late Stan Lee who also makes (probably) his final cameo appearance in this film.

Supporting Ms. Larson are Ben Mendelson, Jude Law, Annette Bening and Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury.

All in, fans as well as non-superhero enthusiasts should come away relatively satisfied from this CAPTAIN MARVEL outing. Our audience sure did.

Oh, just one more thing…

After you’ve seen the bridge scene in the credits, DON’T GET UP YET!

One FINAL scene appears at the VERY end, after the rest of the credits. And it’s worth the wait!

Hint: think fur ball.

CAPTAIN MARVEL opens this weekend in various large screen formats and grades a solid B.

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5 Responses to Jack Goes Confidential: ‘Captain Marvel’ Builds Bridge To Bigger Things

  1. Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

    ANOTHER superhero film. SNORE.

  2. Jesus it looks just terrible.

    Did you review “The Happy Prince”?

    The trailer looked good and Wilde was hilarious.

  3. By the way, saw the documentary, “Free Solo”.

    Sweet baby Jesus it was brutal. Freestyle rock climbers have a suicide pact with themselves and NO fear of death. It took me three days to watch it, because it was so scary. The photography and backDROPS are amazing and terrifying sitting on your couch.

    The man’s personality is so interesting and twisted. At one point he has an RMI that shows abnormalities in his brain, which help explain his cavalier attitude towards what is obviously, his impending death. He IS going to die, but, spoiler, not in this flick, thank God.

    Forget about popcorn, NO ONE could eat or drink anything while watching this flick.

    • jack p. says:

      No, didn’t see “FREE SOLO” but question your remark about forgetting popcorn.
      How do you expect the theatre owner to keep his doors open WITHOUT you purchasing some items from his snack bar?

      • I luv the popcorn, but the movie is so, so tense, you can’t actually watch the entire thing in one sitting.

        It’s terrifying.

        By the way, if you see it, try and check out his hands and feet. Sounds weird, but in the 60 minutes piece, I noticed that his hands are 1/2 again as large as they should be. No doubt from his life style and workouts. He is a FREAK!!! In so many respects the guy is a wreck that you can’t stop looking at.

        I recommend the movie/doc in small doses. You can get it free on demand, I think on Nat Geo.

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