Paul Wilson: Surrounded by UniversitiesThat Have Lost Their Collective Minds

562557050cfa9.imageThe University of Missouri bowed to the pressure and ran off its president…

Thus demonstrating the power of college sports in education. Then Concerned Students 1950 got a bonus; chancellor R. Bowen Loftin walked as well.

I can see the “racist” comments and hate mail coming now but let’s explore this.

What are the facts that lead to this?

In one incident, a drunken white college bro went on stage while black students were practicing skits and made a racial slur. Students stated, “They were made victims of blatant racism in a place that they should be made to feel safe.”

Next black student body President, Payton Head said he was walking down a street near campus when, “Some guys in the back of a pickup just started yelling the n-word at me.”

Finally, we have the charge of a poop swastika painted in a dorm. Seems more offensive to the Jewish kids than blacks, but they coopted the event into their narrative just the same.

By the numbers, MU is 77% white, 7.1% black, 6.5% non-citizens, 3/1% Hispanic, 2.3% two more races, and 2.2% Asian. Oh, and .03% is Native American (no matter how small the latter number, I need to mention it since we stole this country from them).

MU is only 7% black but has a black student body president.

I’ll let that soak in.

MU_students_protest_against_racism_on_campus_2015-10-06_4fa769Is there racism on campus? I’m sure there is. We seem more racially divided than ever. But what did it take to get this man to step down? Change was brought on by the threat of losing $1 million over a football game, not doing the right thing for the sake of the right thing.

Did President Wolfe usher in racism on campus? No.

Is it over now? No. Is it better? In fact, it could very well get worse over the coming days.

Students say it’s a new day at MU and a new level of tolerance is being demanded.

Here’s what 1950 thinks tolerance looks like: They’re demanding funding changes so more white applicants can be replaced by black students.

Wasn’t there something like that once called Affirmative Action?

The students want to develop the university’s curriculum for diversity training, while firing white faculty and replacing them with 10% black faculty. Finally, not only do they want a seat at the table to decide on the next President, but veto power as well.

Today, this group who demanded media attention to affect a change is now demanding that the media stay out of public spaces and not try to interrupt as it’s “their issue.”

Why? Because the more they are under the microscope, the more the students are becoming caricatures of themselves. The more attention they receive the more ridiculous they look tweeting things like, “It’s typically white media who don’t understand the importance of respecting black spaces.”

But in what should be a terminating offense, Mizzou Mass Media assistant professor Melissa Click – who should know the First Amendment better than anyone – yells for “muscle” to remove the media from trying to cover the event. Let’s not mention Click was asking for national media attention on her Facebook page this week.

Are they now pro segregation?

The coming days will see this fanned into a flame that will not quietly go away.

I tend to think you can’t have it both ways. The MU campus is 7% black but blacks represent 84% of the football team. For tolerance and diversity sake, let’s balance that with the same standards they are demanding for faculty. Make the staff 10% black and the football team 90% white.

Sound fair?

Student insanity isn’t limited to MU.

On the other side of the border, KU chimes in with a nugget of lusciousness. The KU Student Senate passed a bill which would require the use of “inclusive” terminology, such as “they them or their,” as opposed to “his,” “her,” “he,” or “she.” They seek to eliminate gender specific pronouns because not all people “fit” in traditional gender roles and these terms pose – wait for it – “micro aggressions.”

Now, not only do I have to worry about how many ways I could offend you, there’s a whole new level.

I could micro offend you.

But this move is backed with scientific fact. The National Science Foundation spent $125,000 at KU last year studying how adjectives could be perceived as racist or sexist. Adjectives.

Racism is real, it’s wrong, but it has to be real racism.

Too much of this rings of Tawana Brawley to me…
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106 Responses to Paul Wilson: Surrounded by UniversitiesThat Have Lost Their Collective Minds

  1. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    My girlfriend told me a story of a guy years ago that “micro-offended” her.

    Same thing? No?

    Moving on……..

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      (I see what you did there…….)

      • HARLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:


  2. chuck says:

    Nice article Paul.

    Here is the latest video of that intrepid Social Justice Warrior, Melissa Click.

    It’s tough to cut through the sanctimony and self righteous narcissism of these folks as this guy tries to do his job, but it is worth the time. A couple of times, he is in, in my opinion, obvious danger of physical harm. These Brown Shirt tough guys and gals look to me, as though they think this ground is holy and if you listen, they speak in tongues (“you know what I’m sayin”) as their Kardashian-like gods fill them with the Holy Spirit of Progressive providence that cows the White Privilege army onto their knees to bleat like sheep with the Wolfe for absolution, “WE ARE NOT RACIST!”

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Thank you, Chuck. I tried to stay on the fence, giving benefit of the doubt where it fits, but the students are coming off far more racist than oppressed. And it’s NOT the desire for healing that caused the University to dump the totally innocent President, it was the fear of loss from big money sports!!

    • Elmo says:

      Let us not forget, this did not begin as a “racial” issue. This started when “concernedstudent1950” had his free health insurance cancelled. Yes it’s true, that evil president er board of cuarators er whoever decided that the trainwreck known as Obabcare would bankrupt the University System having to cover a grad students health insurance cancelled “concerned” he decided to go on his hunger strike. That is when the Ferguson coalition swooped in and it became a full blown racist issue and that student who has been scared for the 8 plus years he’s been stuck in racist hell cried out for help. Fortunately Saint Melissa was there to help organize and the sheeple known as students fell in line. This is so sick on so many levels there is not enough interweb to express is. Suffice it to say Chuck and paulwilsonkc make extremely valid and well written points. I on the other hand am doing my best not to channel my inner Gomes and not go “non-pc”. Lets just say I know why Pinkle had to “stand with his team”-he wants to win in the SEC and you cant do it with a team of crackers.

      • chuck says:

        St. Elmo is on fire.

        Brilliant comment, reminds me of “Smartman”.

      • paulwilsonkc says:

        Elmo, add to that, all the elements of you racial hoax dejur. Jonathan Hunger Strike Butler has been exposed as a trust fund baby. Click has been removed from most of her duties and I bet summarily fired by week’s end.
        A poop portrait of a swastika, no police report, no pictures, in a world of cell phones where your morning breakfast is documented. No proof of anything and a good man resigns who had nothing to do with it.
        I understand being upset over cancellation of free health care; that’s our fault for perpetuating a entitled society. I want it all, I want it now, I want it free of charge.
        I’d be embarrassed to have my name tied to this movement.

  3. paulwilsonkc says:

    Melissa Click has been released from MU’s Department of Communications…..

  4. To me even more ridiculous than Professor Click’s shrieking meltdown was her particular word choice: “WE NEED SOME MUSCLE OVER HERE!!!” Who is this broad, a gun moll out of a 30’s Jimmy Cagney picture? I was just waiting for Tessio or Clemenza to show up next and help the offending reporter sleep with the fishes.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      IR – when I saw the first picture, I asked if she was Carrot Tops sister!! The one they took mid scream was a dead ringer.
      To directly answer your question, “Who is this broad…” the accurate answer is UNEMPLOYEED!

  5. chuck says:

    The Wolfe Huffed And Puffed and Blew out a stream of treacly apologies that elevated sychophancy to the level of Christian virtue. On his knees and honoring his executioners, he was the perfect White Beta Male, cowed, undone in the face of “Racist” accusations that he didn’t grovel fast enough, hard enough and sincerely enough. He represents the tip 0f the spear in the hierarchy of suffering during this latest Progressive Pentecost. “MALT LIQUOR ON THE HOUSE!!! POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!”

    Gotta tell ya Paul, I was looking at videos on TV yesterday and it struck me, that the looks on the faces of these “skolars” was very familiar. It took me a while, but then I realized I had seen that look before, on others and even on my own face. It was a look of gratification after a job well done. I and many I have worked for and with have had that look, after we closed a big deal, accomplished a great task, made a big sale and furthered and bettered our customers lives and futures. These kids, this is their business and they are “On The Job Training” at MU and Universities all over America. This is a vocation and a discipline easily attainable with little effort, a natural talent for self absorption, narcissism and a the ability to nod your head during frequent Coo Coo For Co Co Puffs contagions of confirmation bias, instigated at the whim and caprice of your favorite professor. Sprinkle in the threats of violence and unrest, BANG!! Magna Cum Laude. It is the de facto Curriculum Vitae for budding Progressives, and! if you are black, obviously your training began at birth, so, see ya in HR Departments all over America my bruthas!

    This is the latest Race Hoax and it is paying off big for the new Amerika and the new demographic that now runs our country with the help of the Fed and the 4th estate. MU is the American Megiddo where hope went to die and this fork in the road, looks like a trip down Mao…, er…, memory lane back to 1966. You remember 19966 don’t ya? The Civil Rights Movement had heft and the moral and ethical high ground and Mao, killed millions in the Cultural revolution. Everything old is new again, sans the executions in real time, so far anyway.

    I like that “Silence Is Sanction” poster. Do you think that guy is talking about Black on White crime?

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      White Silence Equals Violence was my personal favorite. Right up there with No Media Safe Zone when what job Click ranted for days on her Facebook page wanting national media to come to MU and give them face time. She’s as hypocritical as the grifters involved. Is there real, live racism today? Absolutely. Is it wrong? Absolutely.
      Is this an example of racism? Not any more than a former mayor Cleaver claiming he was spit on and called the N word even though four camera angles failed to see it!
      But to people like DiscoStew, you’re a racist for exposing FACTS. Racism is defined in Webster as the feeling and expression of superiority over another race. The term has been coopted by the likes of the MU group as a catch all, just to intimidate you into shutting up.
      Telling the truth about the news, black or white, exposing facts and lies, black or white, isn’t racist. It’s news, reporting, facts.
      Doing what’s being done at MU, playing your skin color to cash in and bully your way, that’s not racist either. It’s just really poor character.

  6. KCMonarch says:

    True story: the game Saturday in Arrowhead against BYU was being marketed by Mizzou as a “white out.”

    I am now hearing that sales of the white out tee shirts have been halted.

    • chuck says:

      If in fact, there are what announcers consider a paucity of white faces in the stands on Saturday, those folks missing, will be pilloried and castigated as “Racist”. Implications at first, with expected inferences from those on high, the conversation will quickly turn vitriolic and accusatory.

      Me, I think it is a great way to vote.

      Traditional Americans, now outnumbered in the new Amerika, have only this quiet, innocuous dissent available at this point. Speaking your mind, or, in the case of the Wolfe in sheep’s clothing (Not speaking the company line fast enough.), will get you fired and sent into the bl0cks in the town square.

      Our votes don’t count, so maybe money will speak for us.

    • Elmo says:

      Well then certainly we must have a black out. In fact I think the interim president should buy tickets for all the inner city youth, young adults, and men and let them in for free. After all, the oppression they have suffered at the hands of this university of racism and hate justifies their free admission as well as a pardon for any and all acts that may or may not be legal. Then when Arrowhead has burned to the ground and the HOF and locker rooms have been pillaged we can have the Rev. Al and his ilk come in and lecture us into some more white guilt and explain why we and they deserved this (providing they can make $ off said appearance). You can get Brooks to show up for 1 K if you cant afford the big boys

      • chuck says:

        St. Elmo kills it again!

      • paulwilsonkc says:

        Elmo, I need to correct you on that one. The Rev Al TELLS THEM what the ransom money is going to be before he ever steps foot on the plane. Nothing is left to chance. Its money first, the cause last. But poor suckers like DiscoStew lap it up from his feet. They see all these guys as heros, leaders of the cause. And them, like our tiny dancer version, our own little CrimeFighter Blowlonzo Washington, they are all in it for self promotion and the cash.

  7. HARLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

    this is the start of the end of the ncaa as athletes start realizing their worth to the
    universities. If they don’t play the entire higher education budget system takes
    a multi billion dollar hit. Schools can’t afford that right now.
    The players are going to organize (even though northwestern was turned down)
    and they will use this to get money etc for generating all the money for the
    colleges they play for.
    It was bound to happen. As I have said before…the world is changing!

    • HARLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

      and its not just money. Mr. Wolfe had also done nothing when many
      anti semitic events occurred on the campus after orgaanizations questioned
      what the administration was doing to protect them.
      Apparently….the administration in Columbia has failed many parties…
      not just the African americans.
      But racism is a part of every university. Let’s be honest. We either learn
      to live with each other or we see events like this.
      I urge people to go see the homecoming parade where the protestors
      surrounded wolfe’s car. To be honest I don’t blame him for not getting
      into it with the protestors on the street….but he should have done something
      big before this episode blew up to now be a national story.
      In the end…our higher education system will suffer greatly.
      The world is changing way too fast and we’re headed down a slow slippery
      path that does nothing positive for anyone.

  8. Kerouac says:

    ~ The following takes place in 2268 – suggesting that things do not improve, ever – but, our purposes here, ‘Star’ Date January 10, 1969, ‘Trek’ episode ‘Let That Be Your Last Battlefield’ ~

    Duo-chromatic face Frank Gorshin as ‘Commissioner Bele’ and similarly half white/half black face ‘Lokai’, played Lou Antonio – the major aside being they are colored opposite sides the face, black and white flip-flopped one compared the other.

    Who is right?

    Which is better?

    The story line – the deux’s hatred one another is racially based, each believing that the other is in the wrong facially/otherwise. Why even the dialogue smacks of present day ‘discourse’ between differing points of view:

    Representing the right-white side the face, Gorshin’s ‘Bele’ and in the other corner- er, face-off, Antonio’s black-face left, white right, ‘Lokai’:

    * Bele: “You’re finished, Lokai! We’ve got your kind penned in on Cheron into little districts, and it’s no good to change. You’ve combed the galaxy, and come up with nothing but mono-colored trash, do-gooders & bleeding hearts. You’re dead, you half-white!”

    * Lokai: [ to the crew] “You useless pieces of bland flesh!”

    * Bele: [ to Lokai] “You insane… you filthy little plotter of ruin! You… vicious subverter of every decent thought!”

    Lokai: “I am not a thief.”

    Captain James T. Kirk: “Well, certainly no ordinary thief, considering what it is you… appropriated.”

    Lokai: “You’re being very loose with your accusations and drawing conclusions without any facts.”

    Captain James T. Kirk: “Well, I DO KNOW that you made off with a ship that didn’t belong to you!”

    Lokai: “I do not “make off” with things. My need gave me the right to use the ship. Mark the word, sir – the “use” of it.”

    Captain James T. Kirk: “You can try those technical evasions on Starfleet Command. That’s where you’ll be facing your charges.”

    Lokai: “I am grateful for your rescue.”

    Captain James T. Kirk: “Don’t mention it. We’re pleased to have caught you.”

    * Lokai: “I’m extremely tired, made so by your vindictive cross examinations. I will answer no more questions.” (sounding very much an typical Liberal (say Hidabeast Clinton) will not answer a question directly, feigning fatigue, amnesia and the like.)

    * Bele: [ to Captain Kirk] “One thing we are agreed on, is that Lokai is a criminal!”

    * Lokai: [ to Captain Kirk] “You monotone humans are all alike. First you condemn and then attack!”

    Closing credits/music fades out…


  9. Ernest Evans says:

    The upheaval at Mizzou shows that basic Constitutional rights in our nation are under attack. When you have faculty members calling for the use of “muscle” against journalists then we are seeing a return to the Storm Trooper tactics of the 1930s. Once again, the extremes meet: A number of years ago Ann Coulter said of people like me who were opposed to the Iraq War: “I am for free speech, but this is treason.” All Americans of Good Will, on both sides of the aisle, must unite against this growing threat to our rights as Americans that extremists on both ends of the spectrum are promoting. We must remember the prophetic words of Pastor Neimoller: “When the Nazis came for me, there was no one left to protest.” To my fellow Democrats in the academic world: Heed these words of Pastor Neimoller; right now these campus storm troopers may be going after people they consider conservatives–tomorrow they will be going after you. Sincerely and Respectfully, Ernest EVans

    • chuck says:

      Earnest Evans, you and I are 180 out politically, but your comments are dead on the money.

      Thanks for the comment, in my opinion, your input is paramount.

  10. DiscoStu says:

    The white tears of oppression are so delicious and funny.

    What a bunch of victims we have here.

    Hey Paul, how many times were you called a “nigger” on campus?

  11. DiscoStu says:

    The white tears of oppression are so delicious and funny.

    What a bunch of victims we have here.

    Hey Paul, how many times were you called a n-word (moderator friendly version) on campus?

    • chuck says:

      So glad you chimed in.

      We are all, to a white man, sickened by the burning of Black Churches by KKK members, who, number in the millions.

      Oh! That’s right! A black guy was arrested in St. Louis for burning those churches just 4 days ago.

      Perma Victims, the “Offended for a living” class, is made up of Hale-Bop-Progressives like you, who are emotionally attached to a preconceived narrative that trumps the facts.

      Get your fierce purple shoes on.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Disco, how many songs do you have on you iPhone that give flagrant use to the N word (Rap PG CENSORED) you’re so offended by, mixed with smackin ho’s and shooting other N words? You’re weak sauce and a hypocrite. Give it up, son…you couldn’t be much more disingenuous. Go sell oppression somewhere else, we’re all booked up here, son.

  12. Y’all are racist as hell on this blog!

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Crystal, go look up the proper definition of the word. We use language with its original definition. Not what words have been morphed into as a weapon. Not one racist thing has been said here. Facts that people disagree with? Sure. But that just makes you right or wrong. Not racist.
      If you ax Disco, he seems to think if you’re white, you’re racist. “The white tears of oppression are delicious and funny,” he says. No one here is oppressed, there are no white tears, but you see, lacking intellectual integrity, pointed words with no meaning are his only weapon. Short of that tactic, he’s impotent in the cognitive thought and honesty department, so he goes for what he knows. It’s sad and makes him look far more ignorant than I’m guessing he really is…

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Crystal, follow the link if you want to see racism at its best and lowest. That’s his gig, not what we do here. We attempt to have intellectual conversations here, based in facts. Now, sometimes the facts aren’t what everyone would like them to be, but they are still the facts.

    • LanceTheIntern says:

      Crystal Mangum! How’s prison treating you?

  13. Ernest Evans says:

    Dear Mr. Chuck: Thank you for your kind words!! Yes, we do disagree on most issue–but I suspect that we are in agreement on the most fundamental. It has been my honor over the years (I am 65) to know a number of men and women who had the misfortune to be living in Weimar Germany as this republic was overthrown by the Nazis. These people were members of the democratic forces in Germany, and I remember their vivid accounts of having their rallies disrupted and their members attacked by Nazi Storm troopers. So, when I hear someone saying “Let’s use some muscle here” I think of these terrible incidents in the last days of the Weimar Republic. As for Professor Click, I am willing to give her the right she would undoubtedly deny to others, which is due process. Let her explain her actions and let us see if there is more to the story than the videon shows. But if she is really in favor of using force to stiffle a free press she has no business teaching in the journalism department of a major university. Sincerely and Respectfully, Ernest Evans

    • chuck says:

      Mr. Evans, you are a Progressive that, in my fevered dreams, makes me want to put my arms around Tip O’Neil.

      You are steadfastly consistent and, after the hundreds of posts you have submitted, which, are, in my opinion, a Thomas Paine paean to common sense, is the real time hope for common ground.

      God Bless You and GOD Bess America.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      EE, thanks for your always well reasoned comments. We need more rock solid commenters like you, agree or disagree. Nothing I enjoy more than a sound, solid case against MY opinion.

    • the dude says:

      Where are the Pinkertons when you really need them?!?!?!

  14. Ernest Evans says:

    Dear Mr. Chuck: Many thanks for your most kind comments!! You mentioned Tip O’Neill: He strongly opposed many of President Reagan’s policies, but played poker with him on Friday night!! This is the sort of “common ground” that we need a lot more of in US politics!! Sincerely and Respectfully, Ernest Evans

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Gary Morsch, my friend and founder of Heart to Heart told me one day, discussing his work all over the world, “…you don’t have to see eye to eye to work shoulder to shoulder.”
      Some of the best advice I ever heard.

      • miket. says:

        but it is getting from here to there that is the trouble. because too many people with too many agendas and too little respect for anyone else’s believe that if you don’t see eye to eye, there can be no shoulder to shoulder. obvious, of course. (i’m working on my captain’s bars.)

        there are many on here — Dr. Evans, Chuck, you Paul — much smarter than me about such things. i remain rather simple about such things. so all i know, believe really, is that these are the kinds of things that over time give rise to a backlash. kind of like what is happening now. the powerless and oppressed find a weapon to fight back with and the pendulum has now swung the other way. it’s happened again and again and again throughout history.

        in the museum of natural history in Denver, near the main entry hall, is a large pendulum. suspended from the ceiling in the middle of a curved stairwell, it traces its movements in a shallow layer of sand. this pendulum is moved by earth’s rotation. it never fails to return to it’s starting point.

        even if you don’t believe in kharma, it’s been shown that whether drawn from history, or from physics, there is truth in the statement, “what goes around, comes around.”

  15. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    I fully expect this entire story to come completely unraveled in the near future. The narrative of an oppressed black kid who felt he had no other choice but to starve himself until attention was drawn to his plight is OVER.

    A trust fund kid that never wanted for anything got pissed because his University healthcare insurance was taken away trumps up some BS racist crap because THAT’S what makes headlines. 5 days into the faux hunger strike, MU’s football players dupe their head coach into believing this kid was dying. Sight unseen and with ZERO verification by Pinkel, he’s on board. 2 days later a University President and Chancellor are out the door. Mission accomplished.

    There’s going to be some ultra-conservative deep pocket donors that are not happy about the way this all went down. This buffoon is going to be exposed in the coming days/weeks for exactly what he is. An attention whore and a fraud. Once they discover (and they will) that there was no hunger strike, Pinkel and Rhoades are going to have to wear the fact they got 2 men fired over a hoax.

    • Fake Name Guy says:

      Dig a little deeper and you might find evidence that this President and Chancellor had alienated much of the University staff who found a snowball and gave it a gentle shove over a hill.

      • Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

        Oh, I’m completely aware of that, FNG. Still doesn’t change the fact that they couldn’t apply the necessary political pressure to seek the guy’s resignation so they turned to the old standby. Racism. That doesn’t help the “cause”, it hurts it.

        • paulwilsonkc says:

          Also, Wolfe doesn’t own the issues. And the more they dig into “the issues” they seem to be staged of fake. When there’s real racism, why stage it? You just look like the bafoons they look like today.
          Gary Forsee, ex of Sprint, was the last President. Should the march on his home on the Plaza, protest against him for where he was complicit?
          This is like blaming Frosty James for the murder rate – he presides over it but doesn’t own it.

      • paulwilsonkc says:

        Fake, it seems Wolfe is being criticized most heavily for not getting out of his car, on the parade route, when it was surrounded and stopped by disgruntled students. Honest question? Would the average thinking person put them selves in that position, out numbered 20:1? Without my conceal/carry, I sure wouldn’t. That could have turned into a pressure cooker ready to blow! I think he did the only wise thing he could have done; the students saw it as dismissive.

        • Fake Name Guy says:

          It is my opinion that the minotity students, and Pinkel by proxy, are pawns. Their “cause” is secondary to the agenda which is power and control of budgetary decisions.

          Those advancing their agenda care very little about “the cause.”

  16. Jack Springer says:

    Spoiled black kids who were given trophies for participation now are upset because one person used the ‘n’ word. Don’t they use the ‘n’ word repeatedly on the radio every day? The impression I get is that most of these young people feel cheated by not experiencing the 1950’s and 60’s. They have no idea what racial discrimination really means.

    An embarrassment to the university and the state. A man on a ‘hunger strike’ for 3 days is not a dying man. Is Pinkel that stupid? Are the football players that stupid? Is the media that stupid?

    Students go to college to get an education and to start building a purpose for their life where they can be fulfilling human beings and prosperous in their chosen field.

    If Wolfe ignored these babies, he did the right thing. He never should have resigned. The state legislature needs to cut funding for the school until the university learns their focus is education and not an adventure in bad babysitting.

  17. Jack Springer says:

    Added note: Tawana Brawley worked for Al Sharpton. He’s an esteemed mentor of these people.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Jack, you just can’t make that crap up, huh? Let a white guy stage that and he would have been murdered gangland style. But Al, he’s the darling of race relations. Just wait, I compared her for a reason. I think you’ll see the MU situation look more and more that way to any thinking person. That excludes DiscoStew, who I’d be is secretly Rev Al’s personal valet.
      Could you loan me a Kleenex? A small salty tear of white grief is rolling down my cheek…

  18. Libertarian says:

    You know its a bad day when you have hold a special class on race relations.

    If dont know how to treat humans like humans, then you are the poster child for abortion.

    And Wilson scores another bullseye.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Lib, after THAT comment, I may take the rest of the day off and buy you a drink at the place of your choice! Thanks for always bringing the great comments, agree or disagree.

  19. Orphan of the Road says:

    The tragedy of American thought is they find an error and equate that with a solution.

    This is the tip of the education bubble being exposed, ready for puncture. The failure to report the facts on campus violence, whether just ignoring the issue or covering up for the “student athlete”, has painted this mythical portrait of a cathedral of knowledge.

    The failure of two “captains’ of industry in academic leadership was inevitable. A university isn’t a profit center. Though the general purpose of higher education today is raking in the money rather than putting out quality graduates.

    This has been very interesting whitemansplaining in the commentary.

    The culture at MU and the vast maj

  20. When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro says:

    Let’s see…
    1) Article written by white guy opining about why the protesters upset about race relations are all wrong – check
    2) Commentary (peppered with casual racism for laughs) by predominantly white men opining about why the protesters upset about race relations are all wrong – check
    3) The typical “How can there be racism (on campus) if they elected a black (student body) president” argument – check *The same argument without the parentheses comes up quite often too*
    4) Black rappers use the N word so black people who get upset by it’s use from central Missouri hillbillies are hypocrites – check
    5) An Al Sharpton and Tawana Brawley reference – check
    6) This will somehow all lead to Nazism/Totalitarianism – check
    7) The protesters are the true racists – check
    8) It’s probably all a hoax anyway (with a link to extremist right wing website supporting the theory) – check
    9) But if it did really happen the poop swastika “Seems more offensive to the Jewish kids than blacks, but they coopted the event into their narrative just the same” – check
    10) There’s too much political correctness (aka “mini-offenses”, politeness, common decency, etc.) – check

    That about sums it up doesn’t it?

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      I’d say you covered it well. The entire protest remains a hoax, spin it any way you like. Hardly anything is fact as we’ve seen it unfold. I’m totally cool, however, if you want to over look the facts and make me look like an insensitive racist. That’s not going to trouble in the least, because much like the MU protests, that charge would be unfounded as well.
      Thanks for you comment, you don’t have to agree with me to be respected and appreciated.

      • chuck says:

        Paul is correct.

        By the way, comparing “politeness and common decency” to Politically Correct is calling the Taiping Rebellion a little “Dust Up.”

        • Carson/D'Souza 2016 says:

          “Political correctness (adjectivally, politically correct, commonly abbreviated to PC) is a term primarily used as a pejorative to describe language, actions, or policies intended not to offend or disadvantage any particular group of people in society; in such usage, the people using generally imply that they see these policies as excessive.”

          Wow…who knew treating people the way you’d like to be treated would lead to the deaths of millions? Thanks for the history lesson Chuck!

          Oh and Paul…were the threats that shut down campus yesterday a hoax as well?

          I’ll go ahead and add #11 in advance….

          11) when white folks commit acts of violence/hate they are lone wolfs/nut jobs who should quietly serve their time in prison even if those prisons are close to residential areas. If an african american/latino/arab does this they are a thug who must be sentenced to death/must be thrown out of the country along with all latinos/a terrorist who should be thrown in Gitmo/remote blacksites without a trial and then have CIA agents torture the fuck of them.

          • paulwilsonkc says:

            I don’t agree with the SINGLE THING that’s gone on in Gitmo, from the detention to the treatment.
            But I’ll ask you think, find me ONE black who’s been charged with a Hate Crime against a white, when its become common place in reverse.
            Should that have a name?

      • HARLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

        I don’t think you’re a racist…you just are a terrible
        reporter and writer as is evidenced from comments on other
        blogs and commentaries.
        You don’t check facts…I will prove you wrong again!!!
        see below!

      • HARLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

        sorry ….wrong again!
        whats that make the number of times you’ve been wrong?

  21. The Word says:

    Every time I hear the Black Lives Matter, occupy Wall Street, Bernie Sanders supporters talk, I just remember this from Duck you Sucker.

  22. HARLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

    “Cookson is the chairman of the Higher Education Committee in the Missouri House of Representatives, and called for Wolfe’s removal in a statement on Sunday morning, saying, “it has become clear that the MU system leadership can no longer effectively lead and should step aside.”


    This comment came from the state legislator head of the committee that deals with
    the state universities. What Wilson failed to note was that wolfe was on the way
    out of his job long before the player’s strike. The legislators had their fill of wolfe and
    his ways long before the players announced the strike…so the strike probably gave
    the legislators had an out and wouldn’t have to explain their decision. Wilson
    failed to research this…which is found easily on the internet. So placing the blame
    for the firing of the adminstrators on the student strike was wrong. The state
    pols had already made their decision on wolfe long before the student athletes strike.
    The pols were going to cut him loose long before anything happened. Notice the
    timing….”sunday morning”…so there had been long talks about the state of the
    MU leadership for some time…long before the entire mess started.
    This can be found on the Maneater website which is the official student paper
    of the MU students. There you’ll find other information that makes a real
    fact finder wonder what exactly went down at MU and the true facts. And remember
    this pol is a high ranking republican in the state house!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Wilson should have checked his facts instead of getting them second hand.
    As an alumni…this entire episode has been a nightmare. But I have a feeling
    (and Harley is always right) that there’s much more to this story than has been
    reported. I also noted that at the quadrangle…it was not only blacks there protesting but 70% of them appear to be white men and women.
    What is embarrassing is the way the media was treated in trying to capture the
    story. As the greatest j school in the nation…this treatment of the press was
    totally abhorrent. But we must remember something…these are young kids…
    18-21 and they do make mistakes.
    But I have uncovered more info on this story that I will bring forward to kcc and
    other publications… is not what it appears to be.
    Where there is smoke…there is fire.
    A proud MU alumni:

    • Keeping in mind that Harley claims his degree in Journalism (yuk, yuk) came from MU where Melissa Click runs the show, might explain some of his syntax, lack of nuance and politics.

      His professors were not “Gravely Disappointed” after all. Graduation requirements in “Journalism” at MU are based on the ability to parrot, in whatever manner, no matter how slovenly, agitprop and the soup de jour leftist cant.

      • paulwilsonkc says:

        Well said, Great.

      • HARLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

        refute my facts sir. You can’t … you attack the
        wislon screwed up again…he did not do any research
        on the story…only parroted what he heard.
        he’s awanna be….not a somebody.
        watch my future posting for more info on the subject.
        If you can’t attack my writings…then presume them to be
        true and accurate.

  23. neurodawg says:

    mr wolfe was right to resign. people of that level of authority are hired, it is assumed, for their wisdom and knowledge to make effective decisions in difficult situations . in this set of circumstances he did not perform the duties of his job . but in the same same light neither did mr pinkel, who should also resign for his lack of judgment .

  24. Old Man Kissel says:

    Congratulations to KK for making national news. Can’t wait to see who in sports he confronts next.

    810 scoops 610 once again…

  25. HARLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

    HEY HEARNE….the revolution is coming to your hometown.
    why don’t you report on the meeting with over 1000 people on diversity
    on ku campus …….the world is changing.
    This is not confined to mu….is coming and has been going on at ku
    for years.
    I look forward to your report on that huge gathering and the demands placed
    against the university.
    this is the start…not the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. HARLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

    Harley wrote over a year ago that the nation was fast approaching a boiling point.
    Here’s Harleys predictions (which have proven to be correct 100 per cent of the
    1. luckily its almost thanksgiving break…or the university campuses would
    explode. This gives time for both sides to simmer down. But the world is changing
    and African americans and Hispanics are at the breaking point in this nation.
    Pols call for the Nazi like extrusion of illegals which now number over 11 million.
    That is creating huge tension in the Hispanic communities. African americans
    on college campuses along with other minorities are boiling over their treatment
    by white students and white administrators. This is coming to a breaking point.
    It may not raise its ugly head between now and the end of the year…but come
    this spring….expect an uprising never before seen on our college campuses
    that will set the nation at a point we’ve never seen. It’s just starting to take
    shape…and expect everything from the ncaa to minority rights to be put on the
    table. It’s coming. The genie is out of the bottle now…we saw what happened
    in Columbia…and its now spreading and if you read what happened in Lawrence
    you know there’s serious problems ahead. It will rock the country!!!!!!!
    2. We as americans must decide our own path. It will be a rocky path to decide
    how this nation is run. We have seen the path this nation is headed and the majority
    of americans…whether they are democrat or republican are angry with the direction
    …and we will have to come to terms with the direction of America. It’s time to
    change course…to become the democracy we were founded on and not the
    oligarchy we are headed to.
    3. The youth of America are different than the baby boomers. They want and
    demand a different world. And they are ready to define this nation as they see
    fit….because they are the ones who will run this nation in the future.
    4. For many older white people…change is hard. But change is coming
    by necessity. It will be hard to adjust to but it’s coming and if you fight it
    you will be left behind.
    We are not one nation. WE are part of the entire world
    This is the start of a massive reboot of our nation and the world.
    Either we learn to live with each other or we will struggle in the new world.
    may god bless you all…may god bless the u.s.a….

    • chuck says:

      Harley wants us all to get our “Grovel” on and make deals with the devil so he kills us last.

      At this point, Harley has groveled to the point, he needs Oscar Pistorius shoe wear, his legs are down to nubs. You belong on your knees Harley, you were born there and you will die there.

      • paulwilsonkc says:

        A collective yawn interrupted the silence, previously broken only by the sound of crickets… virtually no one cared. Not one fuk was given.

      • HARLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

        no sir.
        Harley is right again.
        chuckles the sad Nazi clown is shown to be nothing but
        a baiter.
        and his buddy is truly a “real man” when it comes to
        women. bam! ouch! hahahahahahaha!
        again…the two old men lose! Sad…but true!

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