Jack Goes Confidential: Reese Witherspoon Captivates In Gritty ‘Wild’

FOX_3558.psdIf you read Cheryl Strayed’s book Wild: From Lost To Found On The Pacific Crest Trail you’ll be happy to hear that the film follows the book quite closely…

You may also be wondering how well WILD translates to the screen.

Rest assured that DALLAS PLAYERS CLUB director Jean-Marc Vallee pulled it off.

Of course a lot of credit has to also go to co-producer and star of the film Reese Witherspoon who gives it her all.

As Cheryl Strayed she brings to life a soul that after years of reckless behavior, sex addition and the destruction of her marriage, searches for a fix to turn her life around.

Witherspoon finds it along the Pacific Crest Trail, an 1,100 mile stretch of powerful terrors, pleasures and maddening physical encounters.

All the while being haunted by memories of her mother played by Laura Dern.

reese-witherspoon-october-2014-02It’s a journey that maddens, strengthens—and ultimately heals Witherspoon as she finds herself.

Beautifully filmed in the Oregon wilderness and the vastness of the Mojave Desert, the film is much more than just a long hike.

It’s a rediscovery of personal self—and for that matter, life itself.

And in that Witherspoon pulls off a captivating and gritty, yet low-key performance that has already earned her a nomination for Best Actress (Drama) in the upcoming Golden Globe Awards on January 11.

WILD opens in premiere engagements this evening, then citywide on Friday.

My grade: B

(Reviewed at Glenwood Arts Theatre, Overland Park)

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5 Responses to Jack Goes Confidential: Reese Witherspoon Captivates In Gritty ‘Wild’

  1. the dude says:

    Big backpack+messy hair+1st world problems = Oscar bait.
    I’ll pass unless I am heavily sedated and there is nothing else to watch on TV and I have a bad case of insomnia.

  2. mike t. says:

    I’m not quite with Dude on this, but only because I like Witherspoon and this role sounds like it stretches her some. and…. yeah, i’ll be tempted by the nudie scene!

  3. bs says:

    Dallas Player’s Club? Remember the Telly Savalas Player’s Club commercials? “C’mon . . .be a Player!!!”

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