STARBEAMS: Urich Delivers Stand-up; Woman Delivers in Elevator

I took a stab at stand-up comedy in front of a recorded studio audience.

Watch if you don’t mind losing a few minutes of your life…


A baby was born in an elevator hospital last week in Lawrence. The mom was rushing to Olathe Medical Center but when the contractions became too intense, she was diverted to Lawrence Memorial.

As the elevator door opened the head was already popping out.

The 5 pound 11 ounce girl is nicknamed Ellee.

I can relate to that story because I was conceived in an elevator. My nickname was PUSH FOR ALARM.
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3 Responses to STARBEAMS: Urich Delivers Stand-up; Woman Delivers in Elevator

  1. Kerouac says:

    Becomes clear now why you work behind a mic & not in front the camera: unless that’s just a bad hair day, from the looks of it your head got caught in the birthing canal… [ rimshot / CYMBAL CRASH ]

  2. Kerouac says:

    Becomes clear now why you work behind a mic & not in front the camera: unless that’s just a bad hair day, from the looks of it your head got caught in the birthing canal… [ rimshot / CYMBAL CRASH ]

  3. chuck says:

    JMO, it was ok Kelly—
    IMO your right in the middle. No go. You gotta go edgier (most comics do that, but…) or, go way way white. It looks to me like your personality is such, that you could make the inofensive thing work for ya. You could set up the audience with jokes that explain where you are coming from, then share your horror with the punch lines as a shock as the act goes on. I am probably not saying this right, but you gotta go with your strength and personality, which seems to be—-the nice guy thing. Your a nice guy. You could probably stretch your comedy into forbidden areas, as long as the set up was in place. Your too nice a guy to scream like Sam Kinneson, you don’t have Rodney’s bug eyes, you got NICE. Thats ok, work it. I might even slow the delivery down, Andy of Mayberry without the drawl and material that was outrageous. You could use swear words in the act, but they would be quotes. Oh well…

    Its just my opinion, and I only printed it cause I would like to see you do well.

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