Hearne: Joe Miller Bids Adieu to Fleeing Pitch Ed C. J. Janovy

Former Pitch heavy hitter Joe Miller’s take on the mystery behind departure of the mag’s editor C.J. Janovy?

“My take? I think she did a a great job with the paper,” Miller says. “There’s been some great reporting under her leadership. And you know it can’t be an easy deal – I don’t think it would be easy under any circumstances to be an editor with that company because there’s a lot of pressure from the top down. And now that the emphasis is on shifting to the Web and 24/7 blogging and reporting, along with the down economy, the pressure would be huge.”

Janovy is fleeing the Pitch scene to become the director of communications for KU Med.

A job she was seemingly able to snag on the heels of a year’s worth of power schmoozing.

Let’s let her tell it:

“I’ve devoted much of my own reporting over the last year to issues involving public policy and health care,” Janovy writes. “My new job will allow me to focus those efforts.”

Miller’s take on the somewhat puzzling trading in of Janovy’s chainsaw to cash in on a cushy PR job:

“I can certainly see that. I have a hunch the KU Med job is a great job, and I mean, it’s KU Med Center – it’s not like she’s going to work for a company that sells asbestos,” Miller says. “I mean, KU Med Center is trying to cure cancer.”

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4 Responses to Hearne: Joe Miller Bids Adieu to Fleeing Pitch Ed C. J. Janovy

  1. Anonymous says:

    She’ll fall flat on her face in this gig. She doesn’t have it in her DNA to suck the weenie.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Dave Hasenpfeffer
    She did a great job alright.

    Page count and advertisers and circulation numbers are way down from just a year ago.

    Their sister rag in STL has twice as many pages and twice as much circulation. As well as many more advertisers.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Conflict of interest
    It will be interesting to see how she goes from bashing KU Med one week for “animal rights violations” to singing their praises the next. Wonder if those who hired her ever bothered to read anything she’s written.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Kia Zi
    People go to the Pitch for sleeze. It’s where you get the low life dirty hook up. Swingers, swapers, prostitutes and everything to do to with the adult world. The director of communications at KU? Isn’t that a family hospital, you know with kids. It sounds like a conflict of interest. Does the person who hired her know where she came from? Sooner or later it’ll probably come back to haunt her and embarrass KU.

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