Jack Goes Confidential: Intriguing Stealth Marketing by THE JONESES!

THE JONESES is a thought provoking bittersweet comedic-drama that’ll have you wondering

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3 Responses to Jack Goes Confidential: Intriguing Stealth Marketing by THE JONESES!

  1. Anonymous says:

    Similar to the Truman show and Ed TV, I think you very well could see this type of marketing/advertising in the future. I think this is an incredibly original idea. I look forward to checking out the movie.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Not as good as the Truman Show but makes its points.

  3. Anonymous says:

    One this already does happen. Realtor’s in the southwest area (Arizona) routinely hire families to help sell homes by appearing to live in the home when either they don’t or they do but they are only allowed to live there until the home is sold.

    Two, any movie with Amber Heard is worth a look.

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