Finally: Merriam Village Lands Ghost Tenant for Halloween

Two out of three ain’t bad in some games…

Take baseball. When’s the last time someone that mattered batted .666?

In the case of Merriam, Kansas Big Three malls however it totally sucks. Two out of three – the newest ones, no less – are completely devoid of rent-paying tenants. However in the case of Merriam Village there’s a bit of good news to report. As in the developer finally found someone to replace the Circuit City that half-ass moved in last year but never opened prior to the company tanking.

And the new anchor tenant is…Halloween Spirit!

That’s right, it’s a seasonal deal, so Merriam won’t be making bank for long but at least it’s there.

“They took down the Circuit City sign and put up a banner for the Halloween Spirit store,” says Merriam councilman Dan Leap. “It’s just a temporary deal, then it’ll probably be vacant again.”

A visit to the vastly empty, somewhat hidden high on a hill mall, revealed a mostly empty parking lot. ay.

“I mean, I wish ’em the best,” Leap says. “I hope they sell a lot of stuff but I don’t know if that’s a good location because there are no ther stores there and nobody knows it’s open. I mean, they have a sign up, so if you see their sign…”

However the Halloween Spirit manager in Merriam Village assured me the store was doing well, second only to the Halloween Spirit superstore in a former Circuit City just south of 119th Street off Blue Valley Parkway.

Leap went there recently looking for an inflatable to Halloween fly about his nearby Guitar Lamp biz.

Hold it…

Didn’t Leap get busted by the city for that same thing – flying a fake pumpkin – a few years back?

“Well yeah, yeah, Leap says. “But the story on that is they dropped the charges, so I ended up getting un-busted for it. You know, there was an interpretation – I mean, everything is up for interpretation. And there’s an ‘attention-attracting device’ ordinance that a city staff member that’s no longer with the city interpreted to include a holiday display.”
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4 Responses to Finally: Merriam Village Lands Ghost Tenant for Halloween

  1. Anonymous says:

    “Take baseball. When

  2. Anonymous says:

    That’s what a 24 month recession looks like. Lots of it around town. See Plaza Steps…Corbin Mall….P&L…Speedway.
    Lot of banks just hanging on due to TARP,ZIRP and relaxing of mark to market.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Brother Grimm
    hearne, I have a couple of suggestions for your blog.

    1) Maybe have a recent post list, which shows where and who recently posted, that way I dont have to scroll through every thread to see if something is new has been added.

    2) I dont know your rules about submissions but maybe make different deadlines for each author. It seems now that the dealine might be on Friday, because there are many new threads then, and it is too many, scattering them over the week might be more fun, better.

    3) maybe add a “earne corner” where YOU can submit on your whims …. the additions do not have to be a full blown stories, could be just a thought you have about something current,,,or past..or who knows.

    4) keep up the great work, I like what you are doing

    5) feel free to delete this post, it is off topic, but I did not know the best place to add it.

    6) have fun, cuz fun is a good thing to have : )


    7) more jj,, I like her, A LOT

  4. Femsteesmit says:

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