How Tweet It Is: Posnanski to Wear NY Times Bestseller Badge Tonight at Plaza Author Event

Been missing former Star sports scribe Joe Posnanski?

Then don’t miss the new Sports Illustrated heavy hitter’s star turn tonight for Rainy Day Books at Unity Temple on the Plaza at 7 p.m.

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6 Responses to How Tweet It Is: Posnanski to Wear NY Times Bestseller Badge Tonight at Plaza Author Event

  1. Anonymous says:

    Mike and Roxy, Joe and Margo…they’re all the same only the names are changed.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Rainbow Man
    I don’t care where Posnanski writes, as long as he keeps writing.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Mike Bowlin
    Is that a picture of Margo?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Breaking news-Part of book wrote while eating sandwich at Panera’s. WOW!!!! I’ll stop reading the Star for this info. Next week. Book read while Hearne is on the toilet…more details to come.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Yes indeed, that is Mrs. JoPo. And Rick, Rick, Rick – what are we to do with you. Thought about counseling? Bet your insurance would cover it.

  6. Anonymous says:

    What would you do without me? Be down to 18 faithful readers? And yes I’ve thought about becoming a counselor for you.

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