This Just In: Power & Light District’s Vinino Bistro to Close

In what appears to be the Power & Light
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7 Responses to This Just In: Power & Light District’s Vinino Bistro to Close

  1. Anonymous says:

    Let the bloodbath begin! Even folks with the Missouri Restaurant Association were on and off the record that all of the restaurants in the P&L would not survive. The chickens are coming home to roost on the Cordish greed, arrogance and hubris.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I think Joyce Smith is still waiting for the press release on this.

  3. Anonymous says:

    The chickens are coming to roost in Joyce Smith’s horrible excuse for a hairdo! Haahaaaaa!

  4. Anonymous says:

    I think it probably has a lot to do with how the place itself was managed. Vinino’s tended to treat patrons like crap.

  5. Anonymous says:

    where is kate barnes…the old witch sucked up to these con men. The city again fell stupid to
    the cordish bull shit. Now they are going to
    see what AEG and their head con jackoff
    Tim Liewicke has done. Get your money from aeg
    kansas city. They owe 50 million dollars which
    they will get from selling the rights to
    michael jacksons rehearsal videos to sony.
    The city fell for some reall assholes.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Jojo, your rants would have more credibility if you used spell check. If you’re going to rip ass at least show respect and spell the names correctly. It’s(Ribbon Cuttin’ KKK) Kay Barnes and Tim (Lie Weekly) Leiweke.

  7. Anonymous says:

    craig glazer
    You guys got it right again, its all coming to an end down there, this winter will be even slower…summer was less than half of last years crowds…only one or two bars are holding up at all…90 per cent of crowds are stricly Friday/Saturday and now with Sprint having less than half as many events that is falling as well…economy is part of it, but as you guys have agreed, it was doomed from day one…another l8th and vine is on its way down there, sure it had a hot start, but it had no chance to work, nobody lives down there, and now nobody wants too….no tourism, well you see the picture…and its not good…

    In fact all clubs with dance floors are hurting anywhere from a ton to huge…went to one of my favorite clubs on the Plaza Saturday night around ll thirty PM,Bloned, only about 25 people there….sad…but bounced around to other night spots all were dead or slow….its a sign of the tmes..Hip/Hop is finally dying out…even the young black market to that culture is slowly staying away as evidenced by light traffic even in Westport and Urban clubs like Karma and Zenn are feeling the drop off…to the urban crowd Jay Z and crew are now “old” and who is 50 cent? Young people are now looking for the next big thing…we saw this in the early 80’s with the death of Disco and now its all happening again…

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